Learning Power BI — My Journey

Blessing Ogechi Nwojiji
Women in Technology
3 min readMar 2, 2023

I decided to challenge myself and face the ‘Goliath’ that I encounter daily, which is writing. This is my birth month, and I will be 30 years on the 28th of March, 2023. I decided to face this giant and know if I could genuinely challenge him (hahaha) by sharing my journey.

I started learning how to use Power BI today for data visualization, and below is a summary of what I learned today. Luckily for me, I had downloaded the Power BI desktop app in the past when I needed it for an interview.

PowerBI logo.

Power BI is a powerful tool for data analysis and visualization, but like any new software, it can take some time to learn how to use it effectively. However, with some patience and dedication, you can quickly become proficient in using Power BI to gain valuable insights into your data.

As a beginner, you likely started by following tutorials and learning the basics of Power BI. You may have found the process to be overwhelming at first, but as you worked through the tutorials and became more comfortable with the interface, you began to see the potential that Power BI offers. I am learning through www.app.dataquest.io I love the method of teaching which is learning by doing.

One of the biggest benefits of Power BI is the ability to connect to a variety of data sources, including Excel spreadsheets, databases, and cloud-based sources like Salesforce and Google Analytics. You may have spent some time getting familiar with the different types of data sources and learning how to connect to them.

Another key aspect of using Power BI effectively is cleaning and transforming your data ( I am yet to cover this part). You may have spent time learning how to use Power Query, a powerful data transformation tool, to clean and shape your data (I don’t know how to use Power Query, if you do, I envy you). This process can be time-consuming, but it’s essential to ensure that your data is accurate and reliable.

As you became more comfortable with Power BI, you likely started creating your own reports and visualizations. This process can be challenging at first, as there are many options for creating charts, graphs, and other visualizations. However, with practice and experimentation, you began to develop your own style and approach to data visualization.

One of the most significant benefits of Power BI is the ability to collaborate and share your reports with others. You may have spent some time learning how to publish reports to the Power BI service and share them with colleagues or embed them in other applications.

Overall, your experience learning how to work with Power BI likely involved a mix of challenges and successes. While there is always more to learn, you have already gained valuable skills and knowledge that can help you analyze and visualize data in new and exciting ways. With continued practice and experimentation, you can continue to grow your expertise in Power BI and use it to drive better business decisions.

I spent less than 1 hour during my break period learning these, and I am thrilled already. Apart from the overview of Power BI, I was able to load datasets from an excel workbook and a CSV file, save a report, open a file in the power query interface, and change the location of the dataset.

An image showing a Power BI Data Page.

See you tomorrow, can’t wait to share what I learn next. Till then, au revoir.

