Maximizing SQL Performance: Choosing Between Cursors and While Loops

Luchiana Dumitrescu
Women in Technology
5 min readMay 8, 2023

Nowadays we deal with processing large amounts of data in SQL, which brings us another challenge in the world of data; overcoming the challenge and advancing to the next level in this fantastic and neverending game depends on solving the dilemma of choosing between cursors and while loops.

Let’s assume that we have these two weapons at our disposal, but we must be aware that both have their advantages and disadvantages, and the choice depends on our needs.

So before we make a decision that could cost us our peace of mind (just kidding 😁), let’s explore the differences between cursors and while loops and get the guidance we need on when to use each one to continue our adventure at the best performance.

Cursors — those are database objects that allow you to retrieve and manipulate data row by row.

While loops — a programming construct that provides you the possibility of repeating a block of code while a specified condition is met.

Advantages vs Disadvantages

When it comes to processing data in SQL Server, each of our weapons has qualities and flaws that may help us or not.

I think it's a great idea to know them before going to the battlefield 😅.



  • allow you to retrieve and manipulate data row by row, which can be handy when you need to perform a complex operation on each row of a set of data.
  • those give you concurrency control — using separated SQL statements for updating your data might raise the possibility of concurrency problems if the result set has changed since it was queried by the client; using cursors you can save your data from getting lost.
  • cursors can be faster than a while loop but at the cost of more overhead
  • quite flexible
  • you don’t necessarily need a condition to run — the cursors have a row-by-row execution, and you handle a set of rows as a record.
  • you can move forward and backward in a cursor — by using the SCROLL option in the DECLARE CURSOR statement you can navigate across the cursor records in both directions with the fetch options: FIRST, LAST, PRIOR, NEXT, RELATIVE, and ABSOLUTE.


  • cursors can be slow and memory—intensive because each time a cursor fetches a row, it also creates a copy of it in memory (leading to an expensive consumer of resources); poorly written cursors can “devour” your available memory
  • speed and performance issues — cursors might be faster than while loops, but their speed depends on the number of rows and columns brought into the cursor
  • can cause leaks if used incorrectly — based on the syntax, an opened cursor must be closed at the end.
  • uses much more network bandwidth than the execution of a single SQL statement like SELECT or DELETE

While Loops


  • while loops use fewer locks than cursors
  • a simple and efficient way to process large sets of data — because they allow you to repeat a block of code while a specific condition is met
  • less usage of tempdb — while loops don’t create a copy of data in tempdb as a cursor does.


  • moving forward and backward is quite complex — to change the direction, you need to dynamically change the iteration condition inside the loop (be careful here because you might end with an infinite loop)
  • less flexible than cursors — typically used for simple operations (like sum or count)
  • can cause performance issues if the condition is not optimized, or if it iterates over a large number of rows

When to use one or another?

Now that we know what the characteristics of each of our weapons are, it’s time to find out what type of “battle” they are each good for.

Battle types:

1. Row-by-row

When a row-by-row processing is needed you’ll need to choose as a weapon the cursor.

Cursors in SQL are used to retrieve and manipulate data one row at a time and perform complex calculations on the data. they also allow you to perform DML commands (select, insert, delete, and update) based on some conditions and calculations that need to be applied on each row of a result set.

2. Iterative

When you need to perform an iterative operation on a set of data based on a condition, a while loop is the best approach.

These are typically used when you need to perform a simple operation on a large dataset (such as iterating through a table to calculate a sum).

Tips for improving performance when using cursors/while loops

For cursors:

  • avoid using them for large result sets, or use cursor options such as FAST_FORWARD, READ_ONLY, and FORWARD_ONLY to improve performance
  • declare a LOCAL cursor to reduce memory usage
  • avoid using cursors in high-transaction environments (they can cause blocking issues)

For While Loops:

  • use the TOP statement to limit the number of rows processed by the loop (especially when dealing with large result sets)
  • optimize the condition used in the loop to reduce the number of iterations as much as possible (use a WHERE clause to filter the rows before starting the processing stage)
  • use parallel processing techniques to improve performance (split the data into smaller chunks and process each chunk concurrently))

The one and most important tip to take performance close to maximum is to choose the best approach based on your needs and optimize your code to avoid unnecessary operations and reduce resource usage.


Choosing between cursors and while loops is a matter of necessity, but we must keep in mind that this decision can have a significant impact on performance.

As we’ve seen, each method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and although both are effective tools for processing data in SQL Server, we must use them wisely.

It’s also important to note that sometimes set-based operations can be successfully used as an alternative to cursors and while loops and offer you even better performance.

Choose your weapon carefully and follow code optimization best practices and you’ll win the battle.

Stay tuned and also, do not forget you can find other interesting data-related articles on my Medium.

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Luchiana Dumitrescu
Women in Technology

I'm a BI Developer, bookworm, writer, and pet lover with a huge passion for coffee and data. Let's have fun exploring the world of data together! 🔎📈😊