My Beginner’s Journey into Computer Science

How I entered the computer science program at the University with no prior experience.

Mya Ahmed
Women in Technology
4 min readApr 9, 2024


Photo by Arnold Francisca on Unsplash

Before i get into my story, I have a question? Do you believe in the saying “if it’s meant for you, it will find you”? If you answered ‘no’ then consider my story.

Prior to university, I have never read a code in my life. I was just a high school girl struggling to find what I wanted to do for my future. But one thing I did know for sure was that I wanted to have the opportunity to work and travel at the same time.

That is when impulsively applied for computer sciences at U of T. I didn't think I would get in and forgot about it for the months to come. Then one day, I get a email saying I got accepted. I was very exited that i got accepted into a difficult program and within 2 days i accepted my offer.

Was that a good idea?….. no.

I don’t recommend going into a degree you have no experience with but as you read by the title, I am here as a coding girly and I am loving it.

Entering computer science classes was like entering a foreign land. Algorithms, syntax, and debugging was like learning a new language. The people I met in my class were very interesting too.

On the first day, a boy came up to me and ask: ‘So what do you know about computers?’.

I told him: “just the basics”.

He then started to mansplaining everything he could to me.

Did I understand anything he said?…. no.

The first three months were drainning. We learned to all the fundamentals in python as that is the easiest to learn. I learned so much and met a lot of new people. I joined a com sci group at uni and met more girls that were in the field. It was nice to have more girls around.

The next few months didn't get easier but it got more comfortable. I knew how to code but I didn't know how to program. With coding, practice makes perfect so I started working on projects on the side.

It has been almost 9 months into my coding journey and here is what I have learned:

1. You need to fully commit

  • I had a phase where i was seriously doubting my degree because someone had just told me that people who don’t know coding before hand always end up failing the higher classes. I was also struggling to get my assignments to run during this time and I was in a very venerable state. I was on the edge to switching to something else but I gave coding one more chance. I told myself that in 4 years, once I get that knowledge, I will never regret it but if i let go now, then I might just regret it for the rest of my life.

2. Coding is fun if you want it to be

  • If you are a girl, people will tell you that coding is for geeks and it is not your style. That attitude from others had a big effect on me even if they meant it as a joke. I learned to see my self as the ‘that girl’ aesthetic. There is a very low number of women in stem and it is unique and empowering to be in stem.

3. If you put in the work, results will show

  • There have been so many assignments that I didn't think I could complete. If you showed my one year ago self all the projects I have completed, she would call you a lair.

4. There are many opportunities

  • In the world we live in, technology has a part in every aspect. People say that AI is going to take over the IT industry however that is not true. It is like saying that becoming a mathematician is useless because of the invention of calculators. There are so many opportunities where you do not need to work for somebody. If you can get really good at coding certain website, extensions, apps etc. then you can work for yourself. There are many opportunities on platform such as Fiverr where you can get clients for your own projects.

So there you have it. My beginning journey into com sci. Who would have knew that a spontaneous click could lead me to become a coding girly?

