My Best Advice For Boosting Your IT Project And Winning Your Customers’ Trust

Getting results without betraying yourself

Carole Longe
Women in Technology


Do you prefer to stick to your budget, even if it means sacrificing the quality of your project, or do you prefer to aim for excellence, regardless of the cost?

A good professional will say it’s a question of compromise. But very quickly, you realize that the decision is not yours to make. The truth is, you have no power over your customer’s project, at least not at first.
In reality, if the customer calls on your expertise, it’s because you’re the expert.

I’ve come to realize that there are two kinds of people at work. The people who have to put up with everything all day long. And then there are the people who love what they do.
But how do they do it?

I have my own idea, because I spent over a year having fun on a project that turned into a real success.

I didn’t betray my values, nor those of the team of developers.
And we respected the customer’s values.

How did we do it? Here’s a simple, common-sense strategy.

The proof is in the user reviews, before and during our intervention



Carole Longe
Women in Technology

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