Navigating direction through peak experiences and suppressed values

Sam Jayne Burden
Women in Technology
3 min readFeb 7, 2024
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

In the journey of personal development, it’s not uncommon to feel adrift at times, unsure of where we’re headed or why we embarked on this path in the first place. As someone who has navigated through the wilderness of uncertainty, I’ve discovered the power of two essential tools: Peak Experiences and Suppressed Values. Let me take you through my own experience of feeling lost as a UX Designer and how these tools helped me find my way back to clarity and purpose.

As a UX Designer previously, I found myself grappling with a sense of disillusionment and confusion. What initially drew me to this field? Why did I choose this path? These questions loomed large as I struggled to reconcile my current reality with my original aspirations.

Reflecting on my journey, I realised that my passion for UX design stemmed from a desire to create meaningful experiences that improve people’s lives. However, somewhere along the way, I had lost sight of this core motivation amidst the pressures of deadlines, client demands, and industry trends.

In moments of introspection, I turned to an exercise called “Peak Experiences and Suppressed Values.” For Peak Experiences, I reviewed instances where I felt most alive and aligned with my true self. One such moment stood out vividly in my memory: the exhilaration of witnessing a user’s delight as they effortlessly navigated through a product I had designed, their satisfaction palpable as they achieved their goals with ease.

These peak experiences served as guideposts, reminding me of the intrinsic joy and fulfilment that UX design had once brought into my life. By revisiting these moments and dissecting what made them so impactful, I reaffirmed my commitment to creating meaningful experiences that resonate with users on a profound level.

In parallel, I delved into my Suppressed Values; those aspects of my work and environment that left me feeling frustrated and unfulfilled. One recurring source of frustration was the disconnect between my creative vision and the constraints imposed by practical considerations and stakeholder feedback.

By identifying these Suppressed Values, I gained clarity on the underlying sources of my discontent and the areas where I needed to advocate for change. It wasn’t just about addressing the symptoms of dissatisfaction but addressing the root causes and reclaiming ownership of my professional journey.

Armed with insights from my peak experiences and suppressed values, I set out to chart a course forward that honoured my authentic desires and aspirations. This involved tangible actions, such as carving out time for creative exploration, fostering open communication with stakeholders, and seeking out projects that aligned with my values and vision.

But it also required a shift in mindset with a commitment to prioritise purpose over perfection, to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth, and to cultivate a sense of curiosity and wonder in my approach to design.

Now, you might be wondering: what comes next after identifying these Peak Experiences and Suppressed Values? The answer lies in integration and action.

Integration: Take time to reflect on the insights gained from your reflections. How do these experiences and values align with your overarching goals and aspirations? Look for patterns and connections that can inform your next steps.

Action: Translate your insights into tangible actions that align with your values and aspirations. This might involve setting specific goals, establishing boundaries, seeking out new opportunities, or initiating difficult conversations. Remember, personal development is an ongoing journey, and each step forward brings you closer to your authentic self.

From this analysis, feeling lost is not the end of the road but rather a catalyst for growth and self-discovery. By harnessing the power of Peak Experiences and Suppressed Values, we can illuminate the path ahead and embark on a journey that is truly aligned with our deepest desires and aspirations. So embrace the process, trust in your intuition, and let your experiences guide you towards a future filled with purpose and fulfilment.



Sam Jayne Burden
Women in Technology

On a Journey of Self-Discovery Through UX Design, Personal Growth, and Sustainable Travel