NEW ChatGPT Update: Create Your Own GPT’s! (Full Guide)

Women in Technology
2 min readNov 30, 2023

Are you excited to dive into the latest ChatGPT update, allowing you to create your own GPT? In this step-by-step tutorial, we’ll explore the enhanced dashboard, configure a personalized GPT, and even include code snippets for advanced customization.

Part 1: Navigating the New ChatGPT Dashboard

Discovering Unified Features

The updated dashboard consolidates various functionalities. Explore the ability to attach images, upload files, and generate images seamlessly in GPT 4 mode — all in one place!

# Access the unified dashboard

Initiating Your GPT Creation

Start building your GPT by clicking on “Create a GPT” within the Explore section. This launches the GPT creation interface.

# Initialize GPT creation
gpt_creator = chatgpt.create_gpt()

Part 2: Configuring Your GPT

Tailoring GPT for Your Needs

Craft specialized GPTs for tasks such as YouTube video strategy. Provide clear instructions to the AI.

# Customize GPT for YouTube video strategy
gpt_creator.set_instruction("Make a YouTube video strategist.")

Personalizing Instructions

Add a touch of personalization by suggesting a name and selecting or generating a profile picture.

# Suggest a name and profile picture

Advanced Customization with Code

Take customization to the next level by using code to end every response with a bold “Yippe!”

# Advanced customization: End responses with "Yippe!"
gpt_creator.add_code_instruction("end every response with **Yippe!** in all caps")

Part 3: Interacting with Your GPT

Seamless Interaction

Test your GPT using conversation starters provided by ChatGPT, like “Suggest a content plan.”

# Interact with your GPT
response = gpt_creator.interact("Suggest a content plan.")

Leveraging Web Browsing Capabilities

Activate web browsing capabilities for your GPT to fetch information.

# Instruct GPT to fetch information from a URL
gpt_creator.add_code_instruction("fetch information from this URL:")
gpt_creator.add_code_instruction("[Insert URL]")

Part 4: Saving and Sharing Your GPT

Saving Your Custom GPT

Once satisfied, save your GPT and set visibility — private, link-accessible, or public.

# Save and set visibility"private")

Monetizing Your GPT

Explore the potential of sharing and monetizing your GPT as ChatGPT introduces a GPT store.

# Explore GPT monetization


Congratulations on creating your personalized GPT! This tutorial has equipped you with the tools to explore, configure, and interact with your AI creation. Keep an eye out for future updates, and remember to share your thoughts to shape the evolution of ChatGPT.

# Celebrate the journey with a final prompt
gpt_creator.interact("Yippe! Your journey with ChatGPT has just begun. Explore, create, and revolutionize with your personalized GPT!")



Women in Technology

On a mission to make AI easier and profitable for all!