Open Source Software Security

Ada Cloud ⛅️🤎
Women in Technology
5 min readApr 10, 2024

Open Source software is defined as any software with publicly accessible source code that anybody can freely edit and share. Open source software has become widely used over the past few years due to its collaborative and public character, simultaneously making it simple for both creators and malevolent actors. Developers can improve open source software by adding features or resolving bugs because they have access to the source code.

Open Source Security, also known as Software Composition Analysis (SCA), is an approach that gives consumers more insight into the open source inventory of their applications. Open source security encompasses the risks and vulnerabilities associated with third-party software, as well as the tools and techniques used to secure open source software. Security tools can automate the detection of open source libraries and dependencies in code, analyse how those components are utilised in applications, and provide alerts or remediation actions when vulnerabilities are discovered. Two-factor authentication is one example of a security measure that adds another layer of protection against breaches.

Why Use Open Source Software?

In today’s fast-paced business environment, software teams use agile development approaches such as DevOps to keep up with demand. To achieve their objectives within short software release cycles, developers frequently leverage open source software components. These components are freely available, making them cost-effective. Developers can start with open source software and modify it to meet their requirements.

Benefits of Open Source Software (OSS)

Cost: Software developers are allowed to use, alter, and share public domain open source software, while a global community of developers and volunteers works to keep it updated. Even commercial open source software packages are less expensive than custom-developing code from the start.

Ease of use: Because open source software is pre-built and open, developers can reuse previously published code to meet their individual requirements. Leaving more time for higher-value jobs.

Quality: Since a community of developers builds, uses, and inspects open source code, there are, ideally, fewer because vulnerabilities are promptly found and resolved.

Speed: Open source software allows developers to get key business applications to market faster.

Capabilities you should be looking for in an open source security tool

Here are some key components of open source security:

Code Security: Ensuring the security of source code is critical. This includes finding and fixing vulnerabilities, following secure coding practices, conducting code reviews, and using security testing techniques such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, and fuzzy logic.

Dependency Management: Open-source software frequently relies on several third-party dependencies. Managing these dependencies efficiently is critical for security, as flaws in dependencies can spread to the software that uses them. Dependency scanners, for example, can assist detect and resolve vulnerable dependencies.

Community Engagement: Open-source initiatives thrive on community participation. Engaging with the community aids in the discovery and resolution of security issues, as well as the promotion of security-related collaboration. Community members can provide code changes, security advisories, and best practices.

Security Policies and Processes: Establishing explicit security standards and processes inside open-source projects promotes consistency and responsibility. This includes specifying how security vulnerabilities are identified, triaged, and resolved, as well as developing guidelines for secure development methods.

Secure Distribution Channels: Securely distributing open-source software is critical to preventing manipulation or the spread of compromised versions. Employing secure distribution protocols, such as HTTPS and package signing, helps to assure the software’s integrity and validity.

Compliance and Licensing: Open-source security also entails adhering to appropriate security standards, legislation, and licencing requirements. This includes understanding the dependencies’ licences, meeting legal requirements, and adhering to industry security standards.

Open Source Security Challenges

Dependency Management: Open-source projects frequently rely on several third-party dependencies. It is difficult to manage these dependencies effectively because vulnerabilities in the dependencies can spread to the software that uses them. It can be challenging to track dependencies, assess their security posture, and assure timely vulnerability fixes.

Supply Chain Risks: Open-source software supply chains are complicated, with various contributors and distribution routes. Malicious actors may try to inject vulnerabilities or backdoors into open-source projects, either directly through code contributions or by exploiting distribution mechanisms. Maintaining the integrity and validity of software throughout its supply chain is difficult.

Limited Resources: Many open-source initiatives operate with limited resources, such as cash, labour, and expertise. This may limit their capacity to provide adequate resources to security-related tasks such as vulnerability assessments, code reviews, and security updates. As a result, security issues may go undiscovered or neglected for long periods.

Community Dynamics: Open-source programmes rely on community involvement for development and upkeep. While community involvement can encourage creativity and collaboration, it also raises security concerns. Disagreements among community members, as well as variances in goals and levels of competence, can all have an impact on the effectiveness of security operations and cooperation.

Security Expertise: The security of open-source software necessitates specialised security knowledge. However, not all open-source project contributors have this level of competence, which might result in security flaws and oversights. Furthermore, maintaining a consistent degree of security knowledge inside open-source groups can be difficult, as people come and go over time.

Statistics of Open Source Security Vulnerabilities

While 80% of organizations currently ship code on a daily or weekly basis, only 27% continually audit it for vulnerabilities. Frequent code changes, frequently caused by modular code designs based on open source libraries, demand regular updates to handle complexities and dependence structures.

Only 40% of organizations employ formal security rating techniques to ensure the safety of open source programmes. These tools are critical for ensuring software supply chain security. Systems like Snyk Advisor and the OpenSSF Scorecard give accurate solutions to programmatically analyze risk, but are currently underutilized.

According to Synk’s 2023 survey, 66% of organizations can repair significant open source vulnerabilities in a day and 27% in a matter of hours. There is still room for improvement, as only 27% of organizations continually audit code for vulnerabilities, while another 28% audit code daily. Continuous or high-frequency audits improve safety as the number of zero-day vulnerabilities grows.

Despite an increase in the number of cyber attacks targeting open source code, a large percentage of responding organizations still do not use the two most fundamental supply chain security technologies: software composition analysis (SCA) for open source dependencies and static application security testing (SAST) for non-public implementations of open source and proprietary code. Even fewer organizations use cloud-native security measures such as configuration checks for infrastructure as code tools and secret scanning.

To summarise, Open Source Security facilitates the management and security of open source components, resulting in robust and safe software development.

