Product management: beginner’s requirements

Lola Ogunrinola
Women in Technology
2 min readFeb 2, 2024
Photo by Ales Nesetril on Unsplash

I made a decision to transition into tech and pursue a career in product management.

Well, how’s that going? I’ll tell you.

There’s been constant need to learn things quickly so half the time I’m writing faster than my brain can process the information, the other half I’m staring at my screen and putting my thoughts together into proper structural sentences so I can write them down, I spend a lot of time doing research and thinking “what’s the point of this and what problem is this solving” sometimes I’m overwhelmed and thinking “uh…where’s the fun part?”

Maybe writing this blog is the fun part, maybe it’s the collaborations, maybe it’s solving a problem, I’ll find out during the course of this journey.

Previous experience

I find this path interesting because I’ve had experience with customers in the retail industry as a production manager at a fashion company and a senior sales executive at an interior company, (if you’ve been there before you know what I’m talking about) the constant need to have customers satisfied, making sure they have no regret with their purchase(s), meetings with clients, working closely with customers to determine their needs, answering their questions about the brands products and recommending the right solutions.

Leveraging all of these attributes and skills in product management has helped made my transition a lot more easier.

Getting started

Here are some of the basic requirements you’ll need if you’re considering a career in product management

  • Good communication(you’ll need it all the time)
  • Critical thinking (be ready to think outside the box!)
  • Problem solving (you’ll get a handful of problems to solve, make sure you have fun while you’re at it haha)

There’s a lot more but these are the basics.

In the past weeks I’ve worked on a product tear down with a colleague for a challenge (very interesting challenge I must say ), I’ve collaborated with a course mate for an assessment at the academy, I’ve drafted a lot of ideas and solutions and it has been intense.

But hey, nothing beats the feeling of working and collaborating with a team to build and ship an amazing product.

So welcome to a lifetime of continuous learning.

Enjoy the ride.




Lola Ogunrinola
Women in Technology

Product management journey, the peak, the valley, and the storm.