Rebuilding Community, Inspiring Innovation: A Journey as President of Girls Who Code

sai bharathula
Women in Technology
4 min readJul 22, 2023
a video summarizing the progress we made :)

Re-working the Club from Ground Up

While COVID engulfed my freshman and sophomore years, post-COVID left me with no sense of community, empowerment, and girls I could lean on for help. I wanted to help rebuild that community for future generations to come, so I decided to take on the role of President of Girls Who Code @ San Jose State University.

With three core goals in mind — attracting new members, ensuring their consistent participation, and fostering creativity — I embarked on a transformative journey.

Step 1: Rebranding our Instagram, Theme, and Aesthetic

We were able to use the Girls Who Code official design docs: to figure out the colors, fonts, and aesthetic our club wanted to have.

Our progress in the feed from before to now. Follow us @gwcsjsu on Instagram!!

Step 2: Pioneering Innovation: Technical Workshops & Podcasts

I wanted to create something no club has ever touched at my school.

Starting these and how successful they became to raise our member count from 10 to 100 was definitely the most rewarding experience for me.

Step 3: Incentivizing our members: This included a $15 membership fee and collaborations with companies like Google Resume Reviews, Asana Company Tour, and Tech Talks with NVIDIA!

Curating & Teaching Technical Workshops

One of my most fulfilling experiences was teaching coding workshops. The process involved planning, creating detailed lesson plans, and crafting visually engaging slideshows.

One of my key initiatives was to make the workshops accessible to everyone, regardless of their background in tech. It was incredible to see students from various majors, like Forensic Science and Psychology, attend our workshops. The enthusiasm, eagerness, and participants kept me going!

From teaching how to code your personal portfolio to coding a Discord Bot using Python and solving Leetcode problems, I covered a diverse range of topics.

What made it truly special were the heartfelt moments when participants approached me, expressing their gratitude and sharing how much they had learned, and they were not intimidated by the concept of coding anymore. Seeing their growth and witnessing their confidence in coding blossom was incredibly fulfilling.

Spotify Podcast: IT-Girl

One of the highlights was initiating the launch of our very own Spotify podcast: <IT-GIRL>. I couldn’t resist the pun — it’s a nod to “IT community”!

Bringing this podcast to life was a labor of love. I reached out to talented engineers from companies like Comcast, Twitter, and Nike, and their willingness to share their expertise was truly inspiring. Together, we created episodes that delve deep into the tech world, providing invaluable insights on career growth and tackling imposter syndrome head-on.

If you’re seeking guidance, and motivation, or want to connect with like-minded individuals, I highly recommend checking out our podcast. So, grab your headphones and tune in to <IT-GIRL> — let’s embark on this incredible journey together! 🎧💪

Link to Podcast: ​​

My Lovely Executive Board

All of this couldn’t have been done without my wonderful executive board, my backbones that were able to make such a great year happened! Thank you Manogya Bharathula, Yasesvi Punuganti, Taylor Trinidad, María Fernanda Palacios, Mrudhvika Sirineni. You guys are the best!!

On an Ending Note

If you’re thinking of getting into leadership roles, DO IT!!!!!

This journey with Girls Who Code has taught me invaluable lessons about the power of community, empowerment, and inclusivity in the tech world. If you’re contemplating taking on a leadership role, I urge you to embrace the opportunity wholeheartedly. The rewards are immeasurable, and the impact you can make on the lives of others is truly fulfilling.

Together, let’s pave the way for future generations to thrive in a supportive and diverse tech landscape. Remember, the journey has challenges, but it’s in those challenges that we discover our true potential.

Take the leap, ignite the spark, and let’s shape a brighter future together! 🌟💻

Special shoutout to our advisor Dr. Wendy Lee, Computer Science Dept. Head Melody Moh, and Brianna Avila :)

