
Safety Online as a Woman in Tech: DeleteMe Review

After a month of using DeleteMe, here is my opinion and review

Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology
2 min readJun 4, 2023


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Screenshot: DeleteMe dashboard by the author.

I recently came across DeleteMe. DeleteMe is a privacy and data protection service that helps people remove personal information from data broker websites and protect their online privacy. The service removes personal information such as names, addresses, phone numbers, and more from public databases and online platforms.

I was skeptical at first, but the service has been really great so far.

I paid USD 129 for one year of subscription. During this period, the service scans data broker websites and, on my behalf, removed my information that is spread across different places that might or might not be disclosed with my consent. Data broker websites collect and aggregate our personal information from different websites, making it publicly accessible and potentially available to anyone.

The dashboard above shows that my information was found in 45 data brokers, and my address was the information that has been most exposed.

As someone that constantly shares content online, it doesn't bother me that photos of my articles…



Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology

Writer, researcher. Latino 30 Under 30. Sharing my experience along the way • Connect