The Death Of The Job Description: How Corporate America Lost Touch with Reality!

Lazy Hiring Practices Hurt Everyone

Neela 🌶️
Women in Technology
7 min readJul 9, 2024


Photo by Tolga Ulkan on Unsplash

When CEOs Stumble into the Economic Realities of the Modern Job Market

Last weekend, LinkedIn witnessed a perfect storm of corporate tone-deafness colliding with the raw realities of the modern job market. A CEO, presumably operating under the delusion that job seekers are as abundant as pigeons in a park, posted a job listing that read like a wish list for Santa Claus rather than a realistic job description.

This CEO, who started an impressive company twelve years ago in his home garage, has now amassed a net worth of 1.3 billion dollars. He certainly understands that such success requires a dedicated team, as no single person can achieve all of this alone.

Let’s break down this miscalculation, shall we?

screenshot taken from LinkedIn

The Overreach Fallacy

The CEO’s laundry list of requirements for a single “Social Media Manager” position is a classic example of what I call the “Overreach Fallacy.” It’s the corporate equivalent…

