The Little Engineer Who Could

Who never stopped to wonder if she should

Sarah ✨
Women in Technology


Photo by Pexels on Pixabay

This is the story of the little engineer who could, but who never stopped to wonder if she should.

This little engineer was similar but just a little too different to fit in. So at a young age she learnt to conform. To conceal her differentness, the shimmering and unique and weird parts of herself. To stuff them deep within herself. To hide her true self from the world.

And how she thrived! All the things she achieved. All the features she designed and built. All the money she gained. All the respect she commanded. All these markers of success were hers, and proved how important she was to the world which had initially rejected her.

But what a toll it took on her being. This poor little engineer who worked so hard to prove herself over and over again. Yes, she was thriving and oh so successful, but only by the definition of a society whose values were not her own. And only when she concealed so much of herself.

And now she can’t help but wonder, was it worth it? Was it worth it, to give up who she was for a place in a world that does not fill her with joy? A place in a world where she will never be fully accepted, and whose values will never fully match hers?

This leads her to the hardest question of all. If it was not worth it, how can she make peace with all the sacrifices she made to get here? And is it still possible to get out?

This was the story of the little engineer who could, but who never stopped to wonder if she should.



Sarah ✨
Women in Technology

Storyteller sharing glimmers of life. With an emphasis on perseverance and hope. Inspired by nature. 🌿