The Syntax Chronicles: When Your Buddy Turns You into Yoda

The advantages of working together in the buddy system

Crafted Codes
Women in Technology


Becoming Yoda

A buddy system for IT specialist training

What are the most beautiful compliments you have ever received? “Your eyes shine like two burning stars in the night sky”? “All day long all I can think about is your soft lips”? Something like that? But definitely not that you’re a wrinkly little man with green skin, pointy ears and weird grammar. Well, I am. And I’m very happy about it. Because my buddy called me “Master Yoda”. Admittedly, I’m more of a Star Trek fan, but even I love and adore the green sage from Star Wars.

But how did it come to this?

I am currently training with Francesco Cabras to become an IT specialist for mobile app development. We decided to do this training as learning partners to support and motivate each other. We work in the buddy system, where a more experienced “buddy” helps and guides a less experienced “learning partner”.

Since I already have some professional experience as a developer and program with Flutter, I took on the role of mentor. Francesco thinks it’s an unfair collaboration because he would benefit more from it than I would, but all I can say is: it’s one of the best decisions I could have

