Tips and Techniques you should know for Technical Articles

For Blog posts and Publications

Fatima Rafiq
Women in Technology
4 min readJun 22, 2023


Photo by Nick Morrison on Unsplash

Technical writing is a way by which complex information is delivered to the audience easily and effectively. There are a few things you should never forget while writing a technical article for any blog post or Publication to maintain the clarity, accuracy, and engagement of the content.

In this article, we will explore and provide you with some valuable tips and techniques which will help you to write impactful technical articles that will engage your audience and will showcase your skills. So Dear Readers, Let’s begin!

Understanding your Audience:

Photo by Melanie Deziel on Unsplash

Before writing your technical article you should be aware of your target audience. Identify their need, level of technical knowledge, and interest. For example, If your audience is teenagers your tone should be friendly and humorous to grab their interest. Adapt the writing style and tone according to your audience to ensure that your content is accessible and engaging to your readers.

Planning and Outlining:

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Before diving into the ocean you should calculate the depth of the ocean meaning that before starting to write a technical article, It is better to create a comprehensive outline of what you are going to write about. Outline the main points headings and subheadings or subtopics and it would be better to include any example or supporting evidence. This will provide a structure for your article which help you to maintain the sequence of your article.

Using Clear and Brief Language:

As discussed earlier, technical writing is a way of delivering complex and difficult things easily and briefly to your audience. This is because most people prefer easy and simple language instead of complex and difficult language. If you use complex language the readers will read but will very soon lose interest in your technical article. So, try to avoid complex and difficult language.

Structure your Article:

If you serve a plate of rice, a bowl of soup, and some sweets separately to any guest your presentation will look quite delicious and will inspire the guest. But if you serve them everything (Rice, Soup, Sweet ) with the same cutlery. It would be very messy and unable to eat. The same is the case in article writing if your content is presented in headings, subheadings, numbered lists, and bullet points the readers will love to read your articles and will enjoy reading them.

Provide Actionable Takeaways:

Providing any shortcuts, practical tips, instructions, practice projects, and real-life examples to your reader can enhance the practicality and usefulness of your technical articles. This will make them know more about its importance.

Provide Visuals:

Photo by Dennis Scherdt on Unsplash

Pictures express more than words. Using charts diagrams and infographics can enhance the readers and will make your technical article visually appealing. For delivering any complex concept, workflow, information, or data, It’s necessary to provide any visual. Use clear, labeled diagrams to ensure your Visuals.

Supporting Claims and Pieces of Evidence:

While writing any technical article it’s necessary to refer back them up with credible sources or references. Provide your readers with hyperlinks to relevant studies, research Papers, or sources to provide them with additional information or context for your statements. This will add trust to your article and will inspire your readers that the information you provide is accurate.

Editing and Proofreading:

After completing the initial phase (Writing), It’s necessary to re-read the context you have written to ensure that the content you have written is 100% accurate or not and to make it error-free. Check grammar, punctuation spelling, and overall writing style. Consider taking feedback from experts and professionals on that specific topic. This will improve the quality of your article.

Engaging with your readers:

The success of an article depends on the engagement of your articles. Encourage readers by inviting comments and feedback at the end of your article and Respond promptly to comments. This will help you build a loyal readership with your readers and will also help you to establish authority in your field.

Promote your Article:

Photo by Nik on Unsplash

After publishing your technical article it’s great to promote your article. You can do this by using various social media platforms. Use relevant hashtags, tag influencers or experts in your field, and also encourage the readers to share your article. You can also use various promotion strategies to broaden your article’s reach and grab the attention of the audience.

Writing technical articles for any blog posts or publications requires effort. But by taking these tips as guidelines you would be able to write an effective technical article. Understand the target, use clear language, and use diagrams and charts for engaging the audience and for better accuracy.

You can do it.

You can create technical articles that engage the audience and resonate with the readers and you can establish your expertise in the field.



Fatima Rafiq
Women in Technology

Fatima Rafiq: Experienced writer captivating readers with compelling words. Expertise in diverse topics. Join me on Medium for captivating and engaging content