Tips For A Cloud Computing Career

Swati Nitin Gupta
Women in Technology
3 min readApr 28, 2022

Cloud computing is one of the fastest-growing and most demanding careers in the IT world.

Picture this:

· According to job search site Indeed, jobs related to cloud portfolios have seen a surge of about 108%.

· Business leaders have seen a rise in interest in cloud technology. by about 33%.

If this is not enough for you, consider this:

According to IDC, 90% of businesses globally were dependent on a mix of cloud technologies. Including —

  • on-premises/dedicated private clouds;
  • several public clouds and
  • legacy platforms to fulfill the infrastructure needs.

According to experts, one-third of the IT budget of a company goes into cloud services.

Implying — Cloud computing is not the technology of today; in fact, it is the future of technology. With this exponential growth, the demand for skilled professionals has also increased multi-folds.

Did that get your interest in the industry? Yes, keep reading to know how you can launch your cloud computing career.

But before moving forward, let’s understand what cloud computing is. Going by the definition –

Cloud Computing is the delivery of computing services on the Internet. Implying the cloud provides scaled economics, quicker innovation, and flexible resources.

Now that you know what cloud computing is, let’s explore the ways you can enter the industry.

Skills Required for Cloud Computing Career

Before you plan to enter into cloud computing, it is advisable to analyze your skills. Take stock of them, and prepare a detailed checklist of sorts. It will help you with the skills you need to get to have a successful career in cloud computing. Here are some of the skills you must have –

1. Deep knowledge of serverless architecture

2. You need to have database skills

3. Thorough understanding of cloud model types along with their characteristics

4. Sound understanding of cloud migration and the various deployment techniques

5. Gain expertise in DevOps along with methodologies of agile development

6. Deep knowledge of Machine learning and artificial intelligence is a given

7. Last but not least, knowledge of autoscaling and migration techniques

Once you have analyzed your skills, follow these steps to gain entry into cloud computing.

1. Experience Counts: Internships, voluntary jobs, and jobs at startups are good ways to gain experience.

2. Cloud Portfolio: A detailed portfolio for every job you did. Your portfolio should include —

  • the project you handled;
  • the model you applied;
  • the solution you proposed

3. Networking is the key: Don’t underestimate the power of networking. It is the key that will land you the best jobs possible in the industry. Don’t miss any chance to meet and interact with industry leaders and experts. Conferences and other cloud computing events are the best places to meet the leaders. Reason: You gain first-hand knowledge and updates about the industry. Result: You come in contact with the industry influencers. And when they are looking for an employee, you are at their mind’s forefront.

4. Curiosity — the important trait: in cloud technology, curiosity will be an important trait that will always pay. Technology evolves at a quickened pace. You must upskill and reskill yourself to stay intuned with the latest developments.

5. Certifications are crucial: Certification in cloud computing plays an important role. Cloud Computing Certifications are the best way to gain entry into the industry. But before that, it is advisable to play around with the technology to get hands-on experience.

After the certification, the next step is to gain experience and start by building a portfolio.

Don’t let rejections define you. Keep honing your skills and keep gaining the required experience.

Discipline will keep you motivated on the days when disappointment strikes you. And gives you the courage to fight back with new resilience.



Swati Nitin Gupta
Women in Technology

Recognized as Top Cybersecurity Voice and Top Web Content Writing Voice on LinkedIn. B2B Technical Content Writer - Blogger - Editor| Cybersecurity Enthusiast|