Typescript is Javascript’s BFF

Eliza Fury
Women in Technology
2 min readJul 3, 2023


Hello there, lovely humans ❤️

Today I’m discussing Javascript’s BFF Typescript. For anyone who hasn’t had experience with TypeScript, you may be thinking, “What’s the big deal?” If that is you, please put on your reading glasses because I’m spilling the tea on TypeScript and Javascript’s relationship and how it makes coding even more fabulous! 💁‍♀️

Illustration of women drinking tea with text that says Typescript, here’s the tea.
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  1. No meltdowns caused by debugging: Typescript allows for static typing. This means you can specify the types of variables, functions and objects. This is like having a personal assistant that helps us catch types.
  2. Communication levelling up the relationship: Typescript code makes the code more readable, which means it’s self-documenting because nothing is worse in a relationship than lousy communication!
  3. Kiss goodbye to your problems: By problems, I mean compile-time errors. There’s nothing less groovy than coding errors being caught in the compilation process.
  4. TypeScript is up to date on its besties' needs: Typescript is in-sync with Javascript, meaning it’s up to date with the latest Javascript features. This means you can use the latest ES6 and its syntax! Helping you always be trendy!
  5. It’s popular: Typescript has gained much popularity within the development community. Many companies and projects have embraced the…

