Unlock Career Happiness: A Must-Read for Discontent Professionals

Mehak Adlakha
Women in Technology
1 min readDec 4, 2023
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash

I recently came across a thought that resonated deeply with me, and I felt compelled to share it here on Medium.

If you pay attention to the patterns of your life, you’ll realise everything always works out.
Everything takes you to a greater destination. You always grow, and the things you think you can’t survive, you somehow divinely make it through. That’s life. Always remember that.

This profound insight struck a chord, particularly in the context of our professional rollercoaster!

This perspective serves as a powerful reminder — challenges are stepping stones toward growth. Every twist in our professional path leads to a greater destination. 🚀

Even in those moments when certain professional aspects are less than favourable, remember: eventually, it gets bearable and turns out to be for your greater good.

Every step in our professional journey is a lesson. Pay attention, and keep moving ahead. An easy professional life might be tempting, but it would be remarkably dull, I promise. 😄



Mehak Adlakha
Women in Technology

26 | Owner of 'The Live. Love. Laugh Pub' | Software Engineer @ Microsoft, India | Tech Explorer and Life Enthusiast.