VISA Interview Experience For Software Engineer | Meet Visa | On-Campus

Women in Technology
3 min readSep 25, 2023

This interview was part of the Meet Visa Event, where I had the chance to participate in a challenging technical assessment and an engaging technical interview. This event was specially organized for in-tech, and it was an incredible experience. Let me walk you through the questions I tackled during this event.

Round 1: Technical Assessment

The first round was a coding round which consisted of 4 questions. 2 questions were on array, 1 on dp, and 1 on graphs.

Round 2: Technical Interview

We began by delving into the projects listed on my resume.

  1. OOPS-based questions — 4 pillars of OOPS, what is encapsulation, abstraction, and the difference between them. Further on virtual functions and diamond problem.
  2. Discussions on DOM(Document Object Model), a crucial component of web development.
  3. Computer Network questions like different network topologies and their respective advantages and disadvantages. The interviewer even touched on network security aspects.
  4. SQL questions followed, covering topics like primary keys and foreign keys, which are fundamental to database management.
  5. Lastly questions about core data structures such as arrays, linked lists, difference between stacks and queues.

This round lasted for approximately an hour.

Round 3: Managerial Round

Began again with the discussion on my project. Questions on

  1. SpringBoot
  2. React.js
  3. MongoDB
  4. Jira
  5. The advantages and Disadvantages of Flask were asked as I had mentioned these on my resume.
  6. Next, I was asked to come up with the algorithm for designing heaps/priority queues.
  7. Even a few questions on OOPS were asked like Polymorphism and encapsulation.
  8. Lastly, I was asked a puzzle,third%20coin%20is%20the%20counterfeit.

This round also lasted for an hour.

Round 4: HR Round

This round was very general. I was asked a few HR questions like

  1. I was asked about my initial thoughts when I advanced to this round and how my day had been so far.
  2. We discussed the latest technology trends that had fascinated me and explored potential improvements in those areas.
  3. I was asked what improvement would I like to bring to it.
  4. I was challenged to envision improvements in online payment systems like Paytm and Google Pay.
  5. Design a new Cryptographic Algorithm.


In the end, only three candidates were shortlisted, and I wasn’t among them. I realized Luck plays a significant role in the realm of interviews, and it’s crucial not to lose heart if you find yourself facing a challenging interviewer while your friend seemingly breezes through an easy one. So, I decided not be disheartened, but rather, let this serve as stepping stones on my path to continuous improvement and success.


Overall, the experience was incredibly enriching, and I cherished the opportunity to learn, grow, and connect with professionals in the tech world. The Meet Visa Event was a significant milestone in my journey, and I look forward to more exciting opportunities in the future.

