What Can I Do as One of the Women Game Jam Canada Organizers

Echo Yin
Women in Technology
2 min readMay 11, 2024

What’s going on in the game industry is not unexpected. It happened several times before, it didn’t stop people from pushing boundaries. There were notions where the turn of events should lower the bar of quality to reduce the cost of game development. The refined product launch on day one does not stay in alignment with investors interest. Hence the counteraction of shutting down Tang as an example.

How does it impact on the workforce who is in the industry. Women being laid off who were in their maternal leave were the most susceptible to the impact. If people like them are not protected from the collateral damage, we can’t say we are doing any better than since the first Declaration of Independence of women for the society.

The claim of “building psychological safe and equal workplace for women and queer people” should not be just a propaganda for attracting investors whereas the benefits still go to people aside from the claim.

We have power to change the landscape. But in order to do that it’s always start from generating values ourselves. Produce content useful particularly for the community.

I’m not hoping to save or uplifting everyone. I’m just a simple human being myself. Those who agree have already accepted my ideas and sincerity. The ones unfortunately also being misogynist, I can only wish them good luck in their endeavor.

As one of the WGJ Canada Organizers. The platform can be a valuable place to focus on showcasing games made by women and queer people. The lack of exposure to women who have made significant impact on the landscape in the industry isn’t a good sign, we can start by telling their stories.

