Why should you apply for AnitaB.org mentorship program?

Laveena Bachani
Women in Technology
2 min readApr 23, 2024

Recently, I had the privilege of participating in the AnitaB.org Mentorship Program, and what I discovered throughout this experience surpassed my expectations in more ways than one. At first, I was drawn to the program with the simple goal of gaining exposure and experience in mentorship. Little did I know that the AnitaB.org Mentorship Program would open doors to a world of learning, growth, and meaningful connections. The AnitaB.org Mentorship Program provides a unique opportunity to engage in mentorship, whether you’re stepping into those shoes for the first time or have prior experience. AnitaB.org offers two types of mentorships.

Here’s why you should consider applying:

  1. Tailored Mentorship Options: AnitaB.org offers two distinct types of mentorship experiences to cater to diverse needs:
  • 1:1 Mentorship: In this format, mentors and mentees are thoughtfully matched based on specific criteria. With a commitment of three months and a flexible schedule of 2–4 hours per month, participants engage in topic-led discussions that prioritize mutual value. Regular bi-monthly virtual meetings lasting 1–2 hours each session foster meaningful connections.
  • Mentoring Circles: Participants have the opportunity to hear from industry experts followed by breakout room discussions focusing on specific topics.

2. Personal Growth through Mentorship: Reflecting on my own experience in the Q1 1:1 mentorship cohort, I was paired with a graduating student venturing into the tech industry. Our interactions allowed me to revisit my own beginnings five years ago and realize that the challenges faced by new graduates remain largely unchanged. Through discussions ranging from navigating the software industry to insights on interviews and gender dynamics, I was able to share my experiences and offer mentorship tailored to her needs.

3. Insights and Learnings:

  • Understanding Other parts of Industry Challenges: Directly engaging with the struggles of students seeking employment in the current economic climate shed light on the daunting task of securing interviews, let alone jobs.
  • Understanding Different Perspectives: One of the differences between participating in this program vs participating in your company mentorship program is: these 1:1 is safe space for you to share your experiences and them to share their doubts and thought process without any filters. These conversations between one individual who is experienced and other with fresh perspective can be awe inspiring, riveting and sometimes thought provoking.
  • Enhancing Communication Skills: A key takeaway from my experience was the importance of effective communication. I learned that no matter how knowledgeable one is, effective communication is essential for feedback to resonate. By preparing in advance for critical feedback sessions, I witnessed significant improvements in outcomes, highlighting the impact of thoughtful communication.

If you want to learn more about the program, here is the link:
Mentorship (anitab.org)

Thanks for stopping by.



Laveena Bachani
Women in Technology

Honest stories from Tech Industry | AI @Microsoft | OpenAI | Writer for Women in Tech