Why we need more Women in Tech to share their stories

Ketaki Vaidya (she/her)
Women in Technology
2 min readJan 29, 2023

I am tired of hearing that “women in tech” is nothing more than a label or hashtag we use today. I am tired of hearing how privileged I am because I can take a menstrual leave. Read on to understand why we need more women in tech to share their stories with us.

Image credit: https://tech.co/

I have been in the tech industry for 5 years now and I cannot stress enough the importance of speaking up and sharing our experiences as women in tech.

I am a part of various initiatives that address the gender gap (and sometimes gender discrimination) in tech and have heard stories of the challenges women face at each career level.

After breaking into tech, some women typically spend 5–10 years before they can even identify and speak up against any bias. These issues are subtle but prevalent in our day-to-day work. It can be as simple as asking a woman to take notes because she must be good at documentation as a woman or mocking that she buys the laptop for its color. The most common one is telling women they are privileged because they can take a menstrual leave.

Our industry still has its biases and needs work. We need more women to speak up and confront the people who showcase such behavior. We need more female role models to show us that this is not acceptable. We need support to feel heard, understood and have a sense of belongingness in tech.

While I may not have answers to how this is going to be done (and when), I am glad that a lot is being done to address this. Women Tech conferences, rise in mentorship opportunities, and inclusive workplace policies will go a long way in helping us find our tribe and change the tech industry for good.

In the meanwhile, I want to remind you to speak up against any bias, project your accomplishments, and own your career in tech. We are lighting the path for others to follow and we should be proud of it.

Learn about my story as a woman in tech below. A huge shoutout to “Mind the Product” for the feature.



Ketaki Vaidya (she/her)
Women in Technology

Hello. I believe that words are our most powerful weapon. Translating my shower and meditation thoughts into words one story at a time.