Women in Tech

Write for Women in Technology

Personal stories, Technical articles, and more

Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology
3 min readApr 7, 2023


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Hello, all Women in Tech!

Are you a woman working or studying in tech? Would you like to have a space to have your voice heard, and share your personal and technical stories?

Women in Technology is the publication for you!

What do we publish?

We publish all kinds of content related to Technology: from career related to technical articles. From UX Design to Cloud Computing. If you want to share a technical project you have worked on or if you want to talk about a career lesson, this space is for you!


The pillars of our publication are:

  • Technical Articles
  • Career
  • Personal Stories

Related Tags

Please use the tag Women in Tech for the articles you submit to the pub. Feel free to come up with your own tags or use the others below as inspiration:

  • Women in Tech*
  • Technology
  • Programming
  • Career Advice
  • Lessons Learned



Mariana Carvalho
Women in Technology

Career mentor, writer, researcher. Latino 30 Under 30. Sharing my experience along the way • Connect https://www.linkedin.com/in/mari/