You can experience BOTH impact and joy at work by doing these 3 things:

Kathy Archer
Confident Women Leaders
4 min readJan 30, 2020


Do you want to enjoy impactful leadership? But do you feel like those two words…enjoy & impactful… often seem to contradict each other?

Do you believe that if you want to be an impactful leader, that you must:

● push hard

● work long hours

● sacrifice your life and

● suffer greatly

But if you do all that, dang it, you’ll make an impact!!

Ugh — No way!

I’m done with that, and I hope you are too!

I believe with my whole heart that there is a way to have an impact AND to find joy along the way, in fact, moments of contentment, peace and happiness.

In fact, everything I teach you, such as:

Leading in alignment with your values

Managing your emotions

● Understanding how your willpower plays a critical role in helping you be more productive

Maintaining your composure and

● Having a sense of wellness in your life.

All come back to help you be both impactful and find joy in what you do.

I’m on a mission to make that true for as many women as I can reach.

Here are the 3 things I BET you want now!

I believe women should be able to go to work each day where

1. They are valued and appreciated

2. They get to use their skills and talents every day

3. They come home at the end of their workday with energy left for the rest of their lives.

I bet you want those 3 things too?

Think about it:

1) Do you want to be valued and appreciated at work?

2) Do you want to use your skills and talents, those things that are itching to show up and be used more often?

3) Do you want to have energy left at the end of the day to:

● Cook a decent meal

● Go to the gym

● Read to your kids

● Work on that craft project

● Go for coffee with a friend

● Have a meaningful conversation with your partner.

Do you crave a workplace that creates that in your life?

I thought you might say yes!!!

If you want to begin to create this type of work world with me today, raise your hand now. Right there, where you are reading this — Even if it’s only in your imagination! Raise your hand now, and say, I’m in!

I want that for myself and for other women leaders too!

Well then, my dear, let’s make it happen!

How? Well, let me tell you….

FIRST — Believe it’s possible.

If you don’t believe it, you can’t make miracles happen!

● They didn’t put a man on the moon by thinking it wasn’t going to work. Kennedy BELIEVED it was possible and rallied those around him to make it happen!

● Alexander Graham Bell BELIEVED, we could communicate across the airwaves. Now, not only do we have cell phones to talk to each other, Skype, Zoom and Facetime have become standards in our world!

● Millions of people invest time and vast amounts of resources into curing cancer because they BELIEVE it’s possible.

Believe with your whole heart, it’s possible!

SECOND — Take responsibility for making it happen.

If you are like most women, you are waiting for

● Something to change

● Someone to change or

● Someone to give you tools, time or the nod of approval to change

Stop waiting!

Act now!

Do this:

● If you want to do more valuable work, ask for the opportunity to work on projects that excite you.

● If you want to use your gifts, talents and strengths more, get clear on what those are and then tell others about them.

● If you want energy at the end of the day, do the work to energize yourself instead of constantly draining, draining and draining yourself!

THIRD — Create that for the people around you

Take the lead in your organization to:

● Actively demonstrate how you value and appreciate those around you

● Help others identify and use their strengths

● Be the person who encourages those around you to engage in energizing activities throughout the day. That way, none of you will leave exhausted at the end of your workday.

Be the leader of the change!

Start today, enjoying impactful leadership!

To begin the change for you, I’m going to teach you the 4 pillars of impactful and enjoyable leadership. It’s free for you to tune in Friday at 10:30 MDT. Click here to find the event and make sure you LIKE my Facebook page, so you receive a notification when I go live.

This conversation will be posted with others like it on this page in case you miss it and want to watch the replay.

Here’s the thing: You can ENJOY your leadership experience and have an incredible IMPACT on the work you and your organization do. You have to believe it, take responsibility for it and make it happen in your world.

Thanks for being on my team I know WE can do it!

Learn the 4 pillars of impactful and enjoyable leadership so you can make your difference and enjoy the experience.



Kathy Archer
Confident Women Leaders

Helping women leaders make it in the nonprofit world. Leadership Development Coach * Best-Selling Author * Wife * Mom * Grandma * Dog Mom to Max