Hack’n’Lead 2018 stats

Maelle (Mae) Baud
Published in
2 min readAug 11, 2018

Hack’n’Lead was design to be a women-friendly hackathon, with 84% women among the participants, we are happy to call our first edition a success.

At women++ we have at heart to increase diversity in the STEM fields. Hackathons are a good way to challenge yourself, network and learn but often women attendance is very low.

For Hack’n’Lead we have been re-thinking the concept of hackathons to make it as women-friendly as possible :

+ Safe Space — a friendly space for women to explore career options and learn new things
+ Guidance — tech talks and mentors on site from sponsor and partner companies
+ Pre-event Preparation
+ Childcare & Coding 4 Kids

Here are the 2018 stats :


→ #HackandLead



Maelle (Mae) Baud

Marketing Manager @Antler, global VC and startup generator| Support women in tech @women++