Hack’n’Lead 2018: The Challenges

Maelle (Mae) Baud
Published in
4 min readJun 12, 2018


Find out more about the sponsored challenges!

A digital experience to find the perfect insurance for your needs

Insurance touches nearly every aspect of our lives and can at times be life changing. However, it can also be utterly confusing. What are the different options you have? What type of coverage and how much of it do you need? Endless questions to get a quote…All this, when customers really just want bundling, simplicity and clarity. So we are asking for your help to design a digital user experience or a tool to help customers identify the perfect solution to their unique insurance needs in a simple and intuitive way. Pitch to help us solve this problem and you could have the opportunity to develop your ideas into real user experiences in Switzerland and abroad. Help customers like you benefit from your creativity!

Robo VC — Forget investor’s gut feeling

Let’s put some objectivity into startup rating! By using machine learning we’ll create a fully automated VC to predict the TOP 100 startups that be announced in this year’s award ceremony on Sep 5. They’ll provide the ratings and results of past competitions (100 jurors, past top 100 winners and 2500 startups) and we’ll also look at social media activity by using NLP.

Reimaging the bank branch for the digital era

The Raiffeisen group is a collective of Raiffeisen banks organized in the form of a cooperative, with locations across Switzerland. Their business activities comprise traditional interest-earning business as mortgage lending and credit business, as well as management of customer assets in the form of savings and investments. The Raiffeisen Group is the third-largest banking group in Switzerland and leader in retail banking.

In fact, most of their customers appreciate the option of a face to face expert advice on their banking needs, and they expect that need to remain the same five years from now. They want their advisers to wow their customers with impeccable service and they want technology to assist their advisor naturally and make their work easy, efficient and also enjoyable. Raiffeisen seeks new ways to work, to integrate both digital and physical services and in this way facilitate valuable interaction between their advisors and customers.

Raiffeisen provides a number of optional API’s to use for the challenge:

  • Access Bank and Customer Data through Raiffeisen Open Bank API. Feel free to imagine that you can access any of our data on a secured premise of our branch or via secure mobile workplace infrastructure of our advisor.
  • Get a free Microsoft Azure Trial at the Raiffeisen booth to use Microsoft Azure. Identify the customer, analyze her/his state of emotion, turn spoken language into text, make sense out of text and understand the customer’s intent with Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services.

Give Raiffeisen a sneak peek into your offbeat imagination. They are keen to see a prototype of your mind-blowing vision of bank branch for the digital era.

Using blockchain technology to monetize digital content

Fake-news, plagiarism and spam challenge readers of news websites, research institutions and social media networks alike. At the same time, both freelance authors as well as established publishers are struggling to find sustainable ways of monetizing digital content. Blockchain has proven itself to be global, freely accessible ledger that can store transaction data in an immutable fashion and handle multi-billion dollar financial assets (cryptocurrencies and tokens).

We invite you to join us on a journey to explore how this innovative technology that is still in its infancy can be leveraged to tackle some of the big problems of digital content monetization, track provenance, manage payments and usage rights. You will have the chance to consume real data from the Thomson Reuters MediaExpress API and make first steps in writing Smart Contracts on the Ethereum Blockchain as well as interfacing them with a web application. Validity Labs will provide instructions and examples on how to build your first decentralized application (Dapp) this weekend.


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Maelle (Mae) Baud

Marketing Manager @Antler, global VC and startup generator| Support women in tech @women++