How deploy(impact) Propelled Fotini Handra’s Career and Confidence

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4 min readJul 10, 2023

“Whether you’re starting in any tech-related job like I was or if you already have experience, this program offers numerous benefits”.

Fotini Handra, deploy(impact)’21 participant and UX Researcher

Discover how deploy(impact) helped Fotini Handra not only find a new job as a UX Researcher, but also to gain invaluable skills, build meaningful connections, and make a positive impact.

Fotini Handra was a dedicated and engaged deploy(impact)’21 participant with whom we had the chance to talk and learn how the transformative experiences she had while participating in the program helped her advance in her tech career.

Can you please tell us a bit about your background?

I have a strong background in Product Design and Customer Service, and in recent years, I’ve been developing my skills in UX Design.

How did you hear about deploy(impact)?

I was looking for a job at that time, and my sister who lives in Switzerland sent me a couple of job offers and this tech program. I was immediately thrilled to send my application!

What were the reasons that made you so excited about deploy(impact)?

When I saw it, I immediately thought, “This is amazing! I hope they accept my application!” The opportunity to contribute to social good and have a positive impact really excited me. Moreover, I saw it as a great opportunity to learn and work together in a team. I wasn’t looking for a stressful event with tight deadlines and high competition (it really doesn’t fit my personality), but this program seemed different. It allowed me to participate remotely while living in London, work for a good cause, collaborate in a team and contribute to a real project with an organized structure. The valuable learning aspect and the incredible collaboration with mentors made everything an ideal opportunity for me.

What participating in deploy(impact) brought you?

It was an incredibly positive experience! I met many interesting people, and my team was amazing. We had a lot of fun working together, bonding well, and striving towards the same goal. In the end, we were all extremely proud of the results we achieved. Additionally, this experience helped me secure a new full-time job in the area I was looking for.

Why should people join deploy(impact)?

Why shouldn’t they?! (Smiles) Whether you’re starting in any tech-related job like I was or if you already have experience, this program offers numerous benefits. You get to meet new people, learn new things, and contribute to a good cause. If you’re more experienced, you can interact with others and bring your precious expertise to the table, making it a highly beneficial experience.

Do you want to share any final thoughts or comments?

Yes! I want to express my gratitude to the women++ team members (Luisa, Chris, and many others) and all the incredible mentors who played an essential role in helping us throughout the entire process. We had the opportunity to consult with numerous industry experts, and that was truly amazing. Sometimes we need to appreciate ourselves more, and this program is a great event to regain your confidence.

deploy(impact) is back for its 2023 edition!

After two consecutive successful editions in 2021 and 2022, we are excited to bring back women++’s software development program for social good.

deploy(impact) brings together women transitioning into tech with anyone interested in advancing their careers in tech, companies supporting diversity, and other non-profits. deploy(impact) provides a platform for applied learning in which tech enthusiasts with different experience levels come together to solve real-life social cause problems with technical solutions. Participants are mentored by companies and can experience the whole life cycle of a software solution, and it’s a supportive, collaborative environment where people learn together.

Register your interest to participate now!

deploy(impact) statistics from the 2 consecutive editions run so far (2021 and 2022)

About the author:

Maria João Silveira is a Social Media Coordinator Volunteer at women++. She has over a decade of experience in customer service and management and has demonstrated exceptional abilities in leading and coaching teams, solving complex problems, and maintaining high standards of customer satisfaction. When not working, Maria loves spending time with her dog, exploring new destinations and cultures, writing, nurturing her green thumb by taking care of her plants, and meditating.

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a Swiss non-profit association with diversity in tech at heart.