Why should you consider attending a hackathon, especially if you haven’t already?

It’s undoubtedly an excellent opportunity to learn new technical skills and meet new people, but what are the other reasons for attending one besides the obvious?

2 min readMar 29, 2023


We at women++, a Swiss-based tech non-profit association increasing diversity in the tech industry, organize Hack’n’Lead, Switzerland's first women-friendly hackathon. From our experience designing and attending other Hackathons, we summarised the top reasons why you should attend a hackathon:

🟨 Fantastic learning opportunity: you will hear about new advancements in tech and be encouraged to ask questions and test a new skill or framework.

🟨 Get out of your comfort zone: you will be challenged to try new roles and pitch yourself and your work in a safe learning environment.

🟨 Build your portfolio: use the Hackathon’s project and your contributions to showcase your creativity and technical skills to potential employers.

🟨 Experience smart management and team dynamics: learn how to execute tasks efficiently by practicing where to invest your time, for how long, and when to switch to a new task.

🟨 Discover and explore new Career Paths: hackathons are career boosters but also open up new perspectives and career paths, especially if you are starting out.

Last but not least,

🟨 Great networking opportunities: you will meet like-minded professionals, industry experts, and representatives of sponsoring companies looking for talent.

Learn more about Hack’n‘’Lead

Hack’n’Lead is back this June for its 3rd edition! Save the date: June 24 + 25, Zürich. Register your interest here and receive information about applications, preparatory events, and more!

What makes Hack’n’Lead different from other hackathons? — Read more here.

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→ Learn more about Hack’n’Lead

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a Swiss non-profit association with diversity in tech at heart.