Workshop Highlights: Build and Deploy Your Simple Python Data App from Scratch

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3 min readJul 12, 2023

“Tech and challenges are zooming ahead at lightning speed these days, so being able to whip up a quick prototype is pretty much a must in a lot of fields”, Ph.D. Ekaterina Butyugina, Program Manager at Constructor, Data Science and webinar speaker

If you missed this incredible opportunity to join us for the on-site workshop, don’t worry! We are thrilled to announce that we are sharing as a webinar, allowing you to experience the transformative journey at your own pace. Take advantage of this chance to unlock the power of data applications and take your projects to new heights!

Do you want to build your own powerful generative AI app and don’t know where to start? Do you have a business problem (or hackathon challenge) and a lot of raw data and you need to organize this data and create an interactive dashboard to share with stakeholders? This workshop is for anyone who wants to learn how to build data applications from scratch without prior front-end knowledge. Together with Ekaterina, you will explore how to turn Python data scripts into shareable web apps in minutes.

In this webinar, you’ll learn:

  • How to build your own powerful generative AI app from scratch;
  • Prototyping: Hackathon vs Real Life;
  • Techniques for organizing and analyzing raw data to solve business problems or hackathon challenges;
  • How to create interactive dashboards to effectively communicate data insights to stakeholders;
  • The process of turning Python data scripts into shareable web apps in just minutes;
  • Valuable skills in Python, DS Toolkit, and Deep Learning, taught by the expert speaker Ekaterina Butyugina.

Ekaterina Butyugina is a highly accomplished individual with a remarkable background as a PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics. She has seamlessly transitioned into the field of Data Science and currently works as a Program Manager for the Data Science Program at Constructor Learning in Zurich. Her expertise and contributions in teaching Python, DS Toolkit, and Deep Learning, as well as supervising machine learning and deep learning projects, are simply invaluable.


Workshop Resources:

  • Here you can find a direct link to Ekaterina’s Github folder with resources for this workshop.
  • Here you can find the workshop slides with direct links to all the steps followed during the workshop.

This is a preparatory workshop for Hack’n’Lead 2023 — Switzerland’s first women-friendly hackathon.

Hack’n’Lead is an inclusive and non-profit hackathon taking place on the weekend of 11–12 November 2023 in Zurich, offering: mentorship support, childcare on-site, no overnight coding and preparatory events leading to the event.

You can register your interest here, and receive more information about this inclusive hackathon (preparatory events, challenges, and so much more).

#hacknlead #hackathon #womenplusplus #womenintech #switzerland

→ Learn more about Hack’n’Lead

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