Workshop Highlights: Leverage the Cloud to Deploy and Run Your Backend App

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3 min readJul 12, 2023

“In this workshop, no matter the level of expertise, I want everybody to learn something and have something to take home with”. Iris Hunkeler

Are you a backend developer looking to gain more hands-on practice?
You arrived at the right place! With this follow-along workshop, you get to build and deploy your very own backend app using the cloud.

Iris Hunkeler, an accomplished Software Engineer and Hack’n’Lead Ambassador embraced the mission of supporting you and potential Hack’n’Lead participants by sharing her expertise on this hands-on backend workshop where you get to build and deploy a “To-do-List” using the cloud.

By watching this workshop, you will:

  • Understand what the cloud is and its benefits.
  • Understand the difference between serverless and provisioned resources
  • Get an introduction to AWS and the AWS free trier
  • Understand AWS Budgeting Rules
  • Identify use cases for a serverless set-up
  • Learn how to write your first Lambda function on AWS
  • Learn how to create an IAM role to manage app access rights
  • Learn how to create an AWS Dynamo DB table to store data
  • Learn how to create an API Gateway to deploy and call it from anywhere

Watch the full Backend Workshop

If you are keen on learning how to build and deploy a backend app using the cloud, watch this webinar and follow the steps proposed by Iris to build and deploy your own backend app.

Workshop Resources:

Here you can find a direct link to Iris’s Github folder dedicated to further resources for this workshop, including:

  • How to on AWS
  • Workshop instructions
  • The workshop slides

This was a preparatory workshop for Hack’n’Lead 2023 — Switzerland’s first women-friendly hackathon.

Hack’n’Lead is an inclusive and non-profit hackathon taking place on the weekend of 11–12 November 2023 in Zurich, offering: mentorship support, childcare on-site, no overnight coding and preparatory events leading to the event.

You can register your interest here now to receive more information about future workshops and know beforehand when applications open.

#hacknlead #hackathon #womenplusplus #womeintech #switzerland

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a Swiss non-profit association with diversity in tech at heart.