2/14: Take Your Relationship with Yourself to the Next Level

A Letter to the Singles

Barbara DiGangi
Women’s Empowerment
2 min readFeb 14, 2014


It’s February 14th and it’s also just another day. Maybe today bothers you. Maybe you’re like me and you actually enjoy the happy buzz of the day. In either case, don’t believe you’re in LACK. Know and believe you’re living in abundance. Know and believe you have so much to give.

Reality check: you don’t have zero, you’re up 1. You have yourself.

I am not going to lie to you — a healthy relationship (with a heavy emphasis on the healthy part) is extremely powerful. However, the foundation and prerequisite for that is a healthy YOU. You have to bring your best self to the table.

Rather than complaining about what you lack or how “whatever” you are about today - DO something.

Invest in yourself. Take your relationship with yourself to the next level.

Maybe today is the day to quit an unhealthy relationship. Maybe today is the day you finally commit to being treated better. Maybe today is the day to let go or quit the leeches in your life. Maybe today is the day you start being strict with yourself and what you want. Maybe today is the day you resolve any issues holding you back.

The time is now.

Like attracts like. If you’re at a point in your life where you’re open to a relationship, then become the type of person you want to attract. Start making room emotionally, mentally, and physically for that person. Be open, take risks, get uncomfortable, and get out there.

And, although there may be someone out there in the universe that leaves you floating on the moon and is complementary for you, YOU are the one who completes yourself. You are the one that determines your capacity for happiness, love, and self-worth. It all starts with you — your perspective, your mind-state. True happiness and fulfillment do not come from another person, a material thing, or anything external — it comes from within.

So today, whether you feel warm and fuzzy or like staying in bed, do yourself a favor and get serious with yourself. Give yourself a gift and make a valuable investment. Realize the power of ONE.

You can thank me later.



Barbara DiGangi
Women’s Empowerment

Director of Community Wellness Initiatives. NYC-based activist + social impact strategist for racial equity + emotional well-being. Views mine. She/her.