Woman: Your Definition Alone

Barbara DiGangi
Women’s Empowerment
2 min readNov 1, 2016

It’s interesting, the black and white boxes we’re placed in due to the messages we’re fed as young girls and as women.

When you grow up you’re either a princess or you’re “a tomboy.” You’re pretty or smart. Compliant or bossy. You’re a nice girl or (insert word with bad connotation here).

It’s as if we have to fit into particular boxes. What’s expected of us or what’s not. You’re just right or you’re TOO much this or TOO much that.

Quite frankly, I think this fuels the wrong idea that we “can’t” have everything we want and more.

When we get older the boxes become career woman or domestic woman. Nice girl or (insert derogatory word / “nasty woman” here).

Single or married.

Besties with everyone or mean.

Professional and intelligent or unprofessional and fun.

And the list goes on.

As I approach 30, if there’s anything I’ve learned and have been proud of, it’s rejecting those boxes and embracing being unable to fit into any particular one. Learning to love, value and celebrate my own multitudes and complexities that make me, ME.

Maybe long ago people thought women were supposed to fit in a pretty box, but we were never meant for them. We were never meant or born to stay small.

We’re tough, badass and gritty AND we’re feminine, sexy and beautiful.

We’re independent and opinionated AND we’re mushy, nurturing and need help sometimes.

We’re fun, messy and silly AND we’re intelligent, organized and serious.

We can make a kick ass meal, give a human being life, be an incredible mother AND create companies, be an incredible boss and hold it down at the boardroom table.

Don’t let those boxes define you, ladies. Define yourself. Woman is a brand only you — we — create.

Live outside the lines. I guarantee it will change your life.



Barbara DiGangi
Women’s Empowerment

Director of Community Wellness Initiatives. NYC-based activist + social impact strategist for racial equity + emotional well-being. Views mine. She/her.