Around the World — #EndFamilySeparation

Women’s March Global
Women's March Global
3 min readJul 1, 2018

Photo Essay of events from today’s global rally.

Edinburgh — U.K., Hamburg — Germany, Sydney — Australia

Around the world, people gathered to speak out against the inhuman policies of the U.S. and the over 2,000+ children in detention who have been separated from their families.

Halifax, NS — Canada
Paris — France, Osaka — Japan
Kathmandu — Nepal
Oslo — Norway, Paris-France

The gathering for many global events was a mix of overseas citizens of the United States — but also local residents who were joining to protest the abuse of immigrant children.

Ibiza — Spain, Madrid — Spain
Munich — Germany
Madrid — Spain, Rome — Italy
Bogotá — Colombia
Barcelona — Spain, London — U.K.

Organisers of the global marches united to call for the immediate reunification of families and the end to the separation of immigrant families at the United States border.

Barcelona, Spain
Copenhagen — Denmark, Valencia — Spain
Amsterdam — The Netherlands
Halifax, NS — Canada, Sydney — Australia

Events were held in 18 countries around the world — organised by chapters of Women’s March Global, Democrats Abroad, and Amnesty International

From left to right — Tokyo — Japan, Lyon — France, Toulouse — France, Malawi
Sydney — Australia
Vienna — Austria


Photos complied from event pages on Facebook and posts on Twitter.

