Here’s How You Can #StandUpForUkraine

Join the global social media rally this weekend.

Women’s March Global
Women's March Global
3 min readApr 6, 2022


Image owned by Global Citizen

On February 24th, Putin launched an attack on Ukraine. While this puts all those in Ukraine in danger, UN Women stated that it has especially impacted women and girls.

There are currently 12 million people who need assistance because of this war. More than 6.5 million are displaced internally, and in less than three weeks, over 3.5 million people have left Ukraine and fled to neighboring countries.

Most of those fleeing — nearly 2 million of them — are women and children.

“I ask you to support Ukraine, to support Ukrainians with the #StandUpForUkraine motto. On April 9th, the biggest Social Media Rally will support Ukrainian temporary migrants.” — President Zelenskyy

While the first objective is of course to end the war and stop the invasion of Ukraine, there are many countries and organizations working on that objective. The lingering issue is going to be the humanitarian challenge of supporting, repatriating, rebuilding, and restoring Ukraine’s civil society both now and in the weeks, months, and years following Russia’s eventual withdrawal from Ukraine.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy calls for global solidarity.

What We Can Do

As we at Women’s March Global recommend during all times of conflict and injustice around the world, the most significant thing we can do to help is support organizations that are already mobilizing around the issue. These are the organizations that are already making a difference, and where support should be directed to make the most impact.

By supporting existing campaigns and organizations on the ground, we demonstrate our solidarity and we all can help ensure there are resources for their work. One such organization is KyivPride whose Executive Director, Lenny Emson made an appeal for us not to forget Ukraine.

That’s why we want to share with our network that Global Citizen, with the support of the European Union and Canada, has launched a global campaign, #StandUpForUkraine — calling for global solidarity this week, April 8th-9th..

The Global Citizen campaign is calling for a Social Media Rally on April 8 followed by a global fundraising effort on April 9th. You can find out more here.

Global Citizen states:

“We need to raise billions of dollars, not just millions, at a global humanitarian pledging summit on April 9.”

We Must Act NOW

This is urgent. We must not look away, and continue to ask ourselves — are we doing everything possible to help Ukraine and Ukrainians?

We must Stand Up for Ukraine.

They are giving it their all and have no choice but to fight for their freedom and their lives, so we must make the choice to fight for it with them. They are defending values that we all hold dear and fighting this battle for all of us.

We must help them now, before it is too late. Every one of us can make a difference. Whether taking to the streets or online, we must declare:

“Ukraine matters.

Freedom matters.

People matter.

Life matters.

Peace matters.”

It is beyond conceivable that such an atrocity can be happening in 2022 — whilst not forgetting the other recent and ongoing atrocities and genocides in many other parts of the world. The Women’s March Global community is in solidarity with Ukrainian women — and all people affected by this war. We will continue to stand with you.

