Today, We Mobilise to End FGM

Female Genital Mutilation survivors count.

Women’s March Global
Women's March Global
2 min readFeb 6, 2021


Image by Women’s March Global

We need to talk about female genital mutilation.

Currently affecting over 200 million women worldwide, female genital mutilation (FGM) is a life-altering and potentially lethal ordeal affecting a colossal amount of women and girls.

Their voices must be heard and their perspectives must be counted.

Be Counted here.

It’s now 2021 — and high time women defined the issues affecting them and their communities without fear of being dismissed, ostracised, or persecuted.

That’s why we recently launched the Global Count: a secure and anonymous way for all women and gender-diverse individuals to have their say when it comes to what needs to change to achieve gender equity.

In the name of “honour” and “tradition,” this cultural practice of removing part or all of the external female genitalia of young girls is most often done with an unsanitary blade and with no pain relief — causing unspeakable life-long physical and emotional trauma.

It is now officially classified as a form of gender-based violence because the practice lacks consent, causes trauma, and is justified by misogynistic ideology.

Be Counted here.

The Global Count will produce a map of the most urgent gender-related issues in every part of the world to be used to shape future policies and funding allocations to amplify our collective impact — so that often-silenced issues such as FGM don’t get overlooked.

But we need to hear from you.

Do you know if FGM is an issue where you live? What local-level actions already exist to advocate on the issues — and what more could be done to support and ignite current efforts?

It’s time that women define what is needed in the critical push for women’s equity globally. It’s our world and our voice.

Be counted here.

And then join the online movement today to spread the word and ensure that ALL are counted. #FGMsurvivorsCount #WeCount

In community and solidarity,
The Women’s March Global Team

