Sangduen Chailert (Lek)

WomenTalk TV
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2016
Lek, Elephant Mother in Chiang Mai

Unlike most other teenage girls, Sangduen ‘Lek’ Chailert has a different story to tell. When she was 16, she witnessed how elephants were brutally abused by humans and has since dedicated her life to the cause of elephants in Northern Thailand.

Lek started the ‘Save Elephant Foundation’ to rescue orphaned, abused and neglected elephants. It is not an easy process, neither is it a fast one, but Lek’s love for these for these gentle giants motivates her to overcome all these obstacles.

Q: What is the most challenging part of your work with the elephants?

A: The more tourists come to Thailand, the way they use the elephants, performing tricks, that is disturbing their living. When people come Thailand, they should see the elephants living happy. 85% of elephants come here with huge mental problems. These elephants get forced breeding by people, where they shackle the elephant in front and put the back legs separate, tied to the post, let the bull go to rape. Many of them when they give birth, they kill their own baby because of the stresses and mental [problems].

Q: What gives you hope to continue with this work?

A: I know it’s not easy; I’m ordinary, especially I come from hill tribe and being a woman is a very hard job. I’m afraid to go and fight, to stand against the big businesses. But when I look at the elephant eyes, I see them with a lot more fear than me.

Q: What is empowerment to you?

A: The one that gives me strength is love. When I see the animal get abused I have the mother instinct, I want to protect them. I want to work for them and get them out of harm.

Watch her inspiring story right here:

For over 20 years, Sangduen Chailert, a.k.a. Lek, has dedicated her life to the cause of elephants in Northern Thailand. Often abused and neglected, Lek rescues the orphaned and unwanted, the sick and the injured, and cares for them in her elephant sanctuary near Chiang Mai.

Elephant Nature Foundation:

Elephant Nature Foundation is a non-profit organization which advocates and acts on behalf of the rights of Asian elephants in Thailand. Our mission is to increase awareness about the plight of the endangered Asian elephant, educate locals on the humane treatment of their elephants, and provide sanctuary for rescued elephants at our nature park.

Social Media links:
Talk to Lek :
To find out what the elephants are talking about :



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