Stay the Course

Published in
2 min readOct 15, 2018
photo by katie moum

Any dream worth chasing will test you on your path to it.

You will doubt yourself.

You will doubt your vision.

You will get depressed.

It will be hard.

You will want to give up.

If you’re lucky, there will be haters — have empathy, it’s usually a sign you are doing something they wish they could.

Sometimes, there will be apathetic friends — have acceptance, it could be a sign that it’s time to leave that which no longer serves you.

You will — however — keep going.

My junior year of high school, my honors English teacher dropped some knowledge on me when I quipped that I didn’t like a book we had to read.

“We often say we don’t like things when they’re hard.”

Touché Mrs. X, touché.

Ain’t that the truth, though?

If it’s hard right now… don’t question if you’re on the right path. See it as proof that you are ON the path and keep up the hustle.

How many people find the love of their life after their heart was decimated by the wannabe-love-of-their-life?

How many get inspired to chase their vision after someone tells them they could never do it.

We have all heard the stories of famous people who were initially rejected countless times by people without vision as they were on their path.

Don’t let someone else’s vision of your truth keep you from fully accepting that your dream and your truth is your own. You don’t need everybody else to believe in it. You need to.

Stay the course.

photo by ian stauffer




@Tatiana pretty much everywhere. I see you. Early adopter. Later regretter. // Marketer, Musician, Motivation // Coach/ Consultant: