Celebrating 1 year of creative hackathon around the world

Wonda Blog
Published in
3 min readMar 13, 2018
VR Street Jam in India

We are delighted to announce that all of the VR projects made during the Wonda VR Jam Tour 2017 organized in partnership between Institut Français are now available on Wonda VR mobile app.

In total, more than 50 experiences were created by 150 participants in 12 cities across all continents, each exploring fresh and creative approaches to VR filmmaking and interactive storytelling.

Discover 4 of the best projects from 2017 and more via our app, from Bangalore, Johannesburg, to Singapore.

And share your favorite experiences to help support the creators from all skills level who took the challenge to make a 360°/VR project from start to finish in just 48h!

BROKEN (Bangalore, India)

The oppressive challenges of gender in the workplace.

By Pritham Kumar & Prashant Krishna

Discover the full experience here

LUMI, LIGHT ON (Singapore)

LUMI is an under-utilised robot room assistant. Although LUMI can perform 120 tasks, LUMI’s current user has disabled most of its functions and only uses LUMI to turn the lights on and off. Is LUMI doomed to be an overqualified light switch forever?

By Charis Loke, Eugene Soh & Ng kai Yuan

Discover the full experience here

IPHUPHO (Johannesburg, South Africa)

“Iphupho” means “a dream” in the various Nguni languages of South Africa. In this short virtual reality experience, the viewer is invited to arrange the audio from a group of three musicians in various combinations. Individually, and as a group, the artists perform soulfully, and their music evokes the longing and the hope felt by many young South Africans.

By Grace De La Hunt, Phumulani Ntuli & Amy Loureth Worster

Discover the full experience here


Interact with the streets of Ahmedabad. A tour of authentic places in the old city and its several expressions of love.

By Manuel Márquez de las Heras, Stuti Bansal & Aneri

Discover the full experience here

Now this is only an extract!

Discover all VR experiences in Wonda VR App On iOS and Android for free.

With special thanks to Institut Français Paris (Agnès Alfandari and Sarah Arcache), NewImages Festival by Forum des images (Michael Swierczynski), Samsung and each of the 30 local partners without whom the Wonda VR JAM World Tour 2017 would not have been possible.

And a BIG special mention to Laura Baudot, our project coordinator and to our amazing mentors and VR ambassadors: Arnault Labaronne, Florian Pannetier, Raphaël Beaugrand, Romain Bonnin and Simon Duflo.


Are you interested in hosting your own VR Jam? Get all information here!



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