Glass Blowing: Fire & Deadlines

Joe Filcik
Wonder & Fear
Published in
2 min readJan 25, 2017


The glass is dying, freezing, hardening. It came out of the oven alive, boiling, radiating heat and light. Now it’s cooling. Moment by moment hardening, crystallizing. The dying glass creates a deadline.

Deadlines are important. For a glass blower the deadline is clear. The time for molding is limited.

We all work against the clock. The script must be complete when rehearsal starts. The design must be done when coding starts. The code must be polished for release day. The startups runway gets shorter everyday.

Deadlines allow creativity to flourish. They make our opportunity clear. Between now and the deadline we can tweak, revise, test, and rework. Our glass is still alive, flexible, moldable. We can shape it however we want.

The deadline is coming. Today is the day. There’s still heat is left in your glass. Use it well.

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Joe Filcik
Wonder & Fear

Technologist interested in tech, ethics, creativity, security, and more. Writing @ Day Job: PM @Microsoft