Testing, testing, testing… Merry Christmas

Joe Filcik
Wonder & Fear
Published in
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2 min readDec 22, 2016

Hey All!

Latest Posts

  1. In case you missed it, “What do we do in a world without truck drivers?” It’s been fun to see a post born out of a dinner party argument be such a conversation starter! Now syndicated at observer.com
  2. Now on Observer.com! Ok Google, What should I do in 2017?
  3. The Death of Distance
  4. Lightning in a bottle
  5. and more…

You’re in on the ground floor!

Thanks for being the first 10 folks to subscribe to Wonder & Fear. Joe’s just got published several times this week on Observer.com and several other project including audio interviews are in the works! Stay tuned. In the mean time…

Three things:

  1. If you haven’t been to our home page recently, check it out! https://WonderAndFear.tech! It’s starting to take shape with Trending Stories on the home page and Lightning Thoughts below
  2. New Years Resolution: Become a writer — I’m looking for contributors. You don’t need to write a lot. Just commit to one post per week or per month, whatever frequency works for you. Comment on this post to commit! You know something unique about how technology is impacting society? Tell me about it and get published. Here’s a great example from Chad:

I’m a carpenter and over the years I have created beautiful, useful things from wood. You could say it was a skill that became a passion.

Scott even got published on Observer.com — Procrastination, Deadlines and Year-End Financial Decisions

3. When you have some cool conversation about Tech and how it’s impacting society around eggnog and mistletoe help the other person subscribe to WonderAndFear.Tech! What a great conversation starter! Knowing about Medium.com makes you cool :).

Thanks for reading! Please spread the word.

Merry Christmas!




Joe Filcik
Wonder & Fear

Technologist interested in tech, ethics, creativity, security, and more. Writing @ www.Observer.com. Day Job: PM @Microsoft