25. contrail

Olivia Zhang
WonDered WorDs
Published in
1 min readMar 24, 2022

hey Siri, play “Contrail” by MoonMoon on Spotify

~Livy, 23 March 2022


contrail [/ˈkäntrāl/]

noun. the white streak trailing behind a traveling airplane


extended definition

  • a trail/stream of condensed water left behind by an aircraft or rocket at high altitude


from: 1942 con(densation) + trail → 1945 “white line of ice crystals behind an airplane in motion”

  • condensation — Latin: condensare “to make dense” → Late Latin noun condensatio → c. 1600 “action/state of making or becoming more dense,” 1610s “conversion of gas to liquid state”
  • trail —Latin: tragula “dragnet; javelin through by a strap” (probably related to trahere “to drag, pull”) → Vulgar Latin tragulare “to drag” → Old French trailler “to tow; pick up the sent of a quarry” → c. 1300 verb “to hang and flow behind (of clothing e.g. robe, gown)” → early 14c. noun “the trailing part of a piece of clothing e.g. a robe, gown”


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