3. plectonemic

Olivia Zhang
WonDered WorDs
Published in
1 min readMar 2, 2022

a metaphor for love, perhaps?

~Livy, 1 March 2022


plectonemic [/ˌplɛktə(ʊ)ˈniːmɪk/]

adjective. when two DNA strands coil around each other so strongly such that separating them would require actively breaking bonds to unwind the strands


extended definition

  • descriptive of when two DNA strands interact by coiling round each other in a helix, where separating them requires forcefully breaking the structure or nicking a strand (i.e. the interaction is strong and separating them is not easy)
  • vs. paranemic coiling, when two DNA strands interact more weakly and can be separated relatively easily, without breaking bonds


[Prefix plecto-] Latin plecto, plectere “to weave, braid, twine”; cognate with Greek pleko (πλεκω) “plait, weave”


  • the author is not a biology expert; the meanings above were extracted from the overlapping information of multiple [hopefully reliable] Google and Google Scholar search results (see references below)
  • if you have domain knowledge on the subject and would like to add or correct something, leave a comment!



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