Making time

Shape your everday

Wonderful nothings
Published in
2 min readNov 15, 2013


There are just some things you need to cut out of your life if you’re trying to push your potential as a human being. Distractions and addictions to behaviors that give us short term stimulation and happiness are usually the habits that leave us with less money and puts all your long term goals aside.

I think of a day as a test. A test to see how high-funcitoning I can be. Rather than filling my time up with endless short-term rewards. I’m concentrating on the long term. The transition feels great.

I already am learning more, decapitating my addiction to stimulation via the internet; the less pivotal ones at least. I’m more goal oriented, my time feels more precious and no one fucks with my time. From social media sites or forums I’m subscribed too, I’m cutting out all the fat.

Everything I do now, lives up to the expectation of me wanting to be the best possible human I can. In my eyes, that for me is changinge the world through technology. I want to help people EXPLORE SPACE or LIVE MORE EFFECIENTLY.

You will never succeed in life if you don’t want to help people. Your studies and your business will go to complete waste if you don’t want to contribute, why the hell are you living in the first place if you don’t want to contribute to humanity and you would rather live off the fat. Yeah please do me a favor and freeze yourself so when we can put your brain into a robot in the future, you will have nothing left to do but be trapped in a metal jail performing monotanous tasks. Because that’s what you’re doing already, but with a flesh jail.

Why not try and start cutting out all the little time-wasting tasks we perform on a daily basis? People are becoming busy, we get information at our finger tips. When it comes down to it we need to manage our clicking and typing. I encourage everyone to set some goals and adjust every task you do to relate to your purpose.



Wonderful nothings

samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel samuel