WonderfulDay — A History

Published in
2 min readOct 1, 2022

WonderfulDay started with an observation:t Current NFTs all tend to express passive, negative energy. We need a change.

The founders are all true crypto believers and we have never had a second thought of doubt about the future of the industry. Although there are ups and downs in the market, the industry will be moving the mass adoption. Blockchain is a revolution and the next generation of the internet. We are sure that there are tens of thousands of believers just like us out there and we want to get the message out. What’s a better way to express these than through art.

Our other passion is saving endangered animals. One of the Wonderful founders first came across an opportunity to save endangered Bengal tigers by being a volunteer in college. The look when the tiger when was saved from the circus lingered in his mind long after the program finishes. Protecting earthlings has become the dream.

Then the light bulb moment happens when the team was taking a road trip and listening to Louis Armstrong’s What a Wonderful World. Why don’t we combine our two passions and create an NFT that can both deliver a positive message about the industry and save endangered animals? And what’s a better name to communicate a positive attitude than WonderfulDay?

The team quickly run home and created the first sketch the Wonderful Tigers. They are a group of Bengal tigers with upbeat attitudes and fashionable wardrobes. We decided to name them the WONers. While other projects’ characters are falling from outer space, our WONers are earthlings here. We want to protect our mother earth and we want to raise awareness of the other to do the same.




Wonderful Day is a crypto-culture-driven collection of 10,000 unique, diverse tigers. Wonderful represents a belief, a culture, and a community.