Submission Guidelines for Wonder Publication (SUBMIT HERE)

Stories about true crime, mysteries, disappearances, and interesting wonders of the world are all welcome here

KD Writes
Wonder Publication
2 min readNov 5, 2021


Photo by iAmMrRob

What type of stories can I submit?

Non-fiction: true crime stories, mysteries, disappearances, phenomena, interesting history, etc. (theories are welcome too)

Wonder is a publication of real stories and facts. We aim to shine a light on other people’s stories in a highly entertaining way. For this reason, please make sure your article contains a fine balance of the actual story (text) and pictures. We don’t want to just tell the story—we want the reader to feel a part of it and be able to see the visual evidence for themselves to make up their own theories and conclusions.

How to become a writer for ‘Wonder’ and get your work published:

  • Comment on this post that you would like to become a writer and include what type of story/stories you intend on submitting
  • After review, you will be added as a writer, and then you may add your story to this publication

Story Submission Guidelines:

What we’re looking for:

Please ensure your article meets the following guidelines before submitting it:

  • Please ensure you reference any facts/claims/photos/sources appropriately (via a hyperlink)
  • Make sure to run your article through Grammarly before submitting it to ensure there are no spelling mistakes
  • Ensure your article meets Medium’s curation guidelines
  • Published/unpublished stories are welcome
  • To create a real sense of understanding, feel free to include as many pictures as you wish (at least 3), as visuals are just as much part of the story as the words themselves.
  • A ‘list of shorter stories’ within one article is preferable. However, individual stories are welcome where you want to go into detail.

These guidelines aren’t strict but provide an overview of what we seek. If you need any assistance with a story that you would like to publish in our publication or want to ask something, feel free to send an e-mail to



KD Writes
Wonder Publication

3x Top Writer🏆 All things social media & true crime