Exploring Ancient Civilization Artifacts: Witness the Transformative Impact of Time through Pre-Excavation and Post-Excavation Comparisons!

Grace Michelle
Wonders of Nature
Published in
7 min readJan 10, 2024

In other words, rise and fall are objective laws. Six or seven thousand years of human civilization, when the earth is 4.55 billion years old, is a matter of a snap…

Having said that, no matter how magnificent the ruins of civilization are, they will be buried by time. For example, the appearance of the great civilization ruins below before excavation is extremely shocking…

Newgrange Tomb in Ireland

One of the most important prehistoric megalithic cultural sites in Europe, it was accidentally discovered in 1699. On the winter solstice, sunlight would pass through the tomb passage and shine into the deepest part of the tomb. It was restored in the 1950s, and several giant stones outside were still preserved. .

Pyramid of Kukulcan, Mexico

Kukulkan means Quetzalcoatl in the Mayan language. It is located in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is the core area of ​​the Mayan civilization. More than a hundred years ago, the tower was covered with thick soil and was covered with grass. In the 1930s, the Mexican government restored this thousand-year-old Mayan civilization building.

Many people think that Mayan pyramids are very rare. In fact, there are so many of them in Central America, as many as ancestral halls in every village in China. Moreover, the Mayans have not disappeared. They are not a rare species. Their population is as high as tens of millions. It’s just that they have all become “stateless”.

Pyramid of the Magician in Mexico

This pyramid is located in the ancient city of Uxmal and was built around the 7th century AD, which was the classical period of the Mayan civilization and the prosperous period of the Mayan civilization.

The picture above is a photo from 1913. The pyramid is covered with trees and grass. The restoration work is still in progress. Like the Quetzalcoatl Pyramid at Chichen Itza above, tourists are now prohibited from climbing the pyramid.

Ancient city of Teotihuacan, Mexico

Comparison of the excavation of the ancient city of Teotihuacan before and after (1878 vs. now). This ancient Indian city was built around the first century BC and continued to expand in the following centuries.

At its peak, the ancient city of Teotihuacan had a population of about 200,000, and the city size and population were comparable to Chang’an at that time. However, it declined due to unknown reasons between 650 and 750, and was finally abandoned.

Pyramid of the Sun, Teotihuacan, Mexico

The Pyramid of the Sun at Teotihuacan is one of the largest pyramids on earth. When it was not excavated in the 1900s, it was a small hill that looked very regular. At that time, there was still a road to drive up the “mountain”.

In 1905, the Mexican government began archaeological excavations in Teotihuacan. In 1910, the 100th anniversary of Mexico’s independence, the Pyramid of the Sun was restored.

Tikal IV Temple in Guatemala

One of the tallest buildings in the American continent during the pre-Columbian era, it was built in the 8th century AD. However, like other city-states of the same period, after the collapse of the Mayan civilization in the 9th century AD, Tikal declined rapidly, lost its population, and became an abandoned city. The city disappeared into the jungle for a thousand years…

It was not until the 19th century that European explorers discovered some strange buildings towering over the jungle that the lost city reappeared.

Türkiye Magnesia Ancient City Stadium

This stadium built in the ancient Greek period can accommodate about 30,000 spectators and was used until around the third century AD. It was a long time that could bury all the magnificent ruins…

In 1984, an archaeological team from Ankara University began excavating the site, which was buried under several meters of soil. As of now, parts of the stadium are still buried.

Tower of Ur in Iraq

This building in Iraq, built in 2000 BC, is the best-preserved religious building in Sumer. It is said to be the prototype of the Tower of Babel in the Bible. In the last century, only the base part remained, and it was severely weathered.

During Saddam’s administration, it was restored and protected to a certain extent. A circle of red bricks was built around the base and stairs were built.

egyptian sphinx

In the mid-19th century, most of the Sphinx photographed from hot air balloons was still buried under the yellow sand. At that time, there was a huge hole above its head.

This hole is called “Perring’s Hole” and was dug by a British “archaeologist” in 1993 in order to find a non-existent secret chamber…

Pyramid of Meidum, Egypt

The Pyramid of Meidum, which has a history of more than 4,600 years, is known as the first “real” pyramid. However, it is still in the exploratory and experimental stage, and the structure has not yet been finalized. Therefore, the outer shell suffered serious collapse in ancient times, and now only the core remains. parts.

More than a hundred years ago, the bottom was still buried by yellow sand. Now it has been cleared out, and the road has been built directly to the bottom of the pyramid…

karnak temple egypt

The Karnaka Temple was built more than 3,900 years ago. It is the worship center of the sun god Amun and the location of the largest temple in ancient Egypt. It has been continuously expanded over thousands of years and has more than 20 temples of different sizes.

It was not until 323 AD that Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity and ordered the closure of all “pagan temples” in 346 AD. Most of the Karnak complex was abandoned, and Christian churches were built, and some of the sites continued to be used.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Karnaka Temple was in a state of ruins. For more than a hundred years, the colonists and the Egyptian government repaired it intermittently.

Mahabodhi Temple, India

In Buddhism, Siddhartha Gautama is the place where Sakyamuni attained enlightenment. There are also descendants of the Bodhi tree in the temple. It was first built by King Asoka in the 3rd century BC. The existing temple dates from the 5th to 6th century AD. century built.

In the 15th century, severe floods occurred in the area. The temple was not only severely damaged, but also covered by sand for hundreds of years. In the 19th century, Myanmar Buddhism restored this Buddhist holy site with the help of Bangladesh and the British archaeological team.

Türkiye Ephesus Theater

The theater was built around 200 BC and could seat an estimated 25,000 people, making it considered the largest theater in the ancient world.

Ephesus, an ancient seaside city, gradually declined due to siltation of the river. After being abandoned, the theater was gradually buried by landslides due to excessive felling and grazing. In the 1870s, the ruins of the ancient city were discovered and excavation work began, which has not been completed until now.

Machu Picchu, Peru

The picture above is a photo taken in 1915 (it was colored later). It is surrounded by mountains and mountains. It has been abandoned for hundreds of years and has been covered by jungle, so it was not discovered by the Spanish colonists.

In 1912, when American archaeologist Hiram Bingham led an expedition in Peru, local farmers told them that there was a ruins on the top of nearby Machu Picchu, and this lost city was introduced to the world. Hiram Bingham standing among the ruins of Machu Picchu (oval above):

I wonder if we will have any buildings left now…

Waiting for post-apocalyptic humans to discover…



Grace Michelle
Wonders of Nature

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