How to Start a Community on WONDR

The key to a good community is good foundations.

Sam Reader
4 min readMay 13, 2021


We’ve created areas on your profile to help you easily get started Helping you to express your values, build relationships and generate an income 🌱

I’ll talk you through them one by one, whilst reflecting on the successes other creators have had on WONDR.

We’ll start with setting up your about page and creating spaces for your members.

First — Complete your About

This is where you can articulate your vision, express your values and share what you’re creating for your members

Here you can see how VIRIDESCENT have captured:

Who they are — A creative resource platform for sustainability champions

How they go about it — Referencing a combination of circularity, art and science

Why they do it and their values — They believe in an experience that can be co-created and felt. Creating an equitable future for all.

What members can expect — The topics they’re looking to cover from Biomimicry through to Zero Waste and Systems Thinking

Here you can see how Lonely Conservationists have captured:

Who they are — A group that innovates and delivers positive change for the planet and themselves as people

How they go about it — Discussing topics that challenge people to discuss good communication & mental health

Why they do it and their values — For long term community building. To help people achieve their potential through personal development.

What members can expect — Exploring topics concerning the planet by bringing people together to overcome self-doubt.

Second — Launch a Space

The next thing you want to do is set up at least one Space for the group to share and chat together in.

Think of Spaces on WONDR as your rooms for discussion and sharing. Places that your members can be a part of to connect each other and become a community.

I’ll show you what we mean.

Generation Impact has created Spaces around key activities their community engages in:

  • Opportunity Hub
    sharing opportunities in grants, careers, work and personal life
  • Resource Hub
    sharing important research, articles, blogs, videos, podcasts together
  • Wellbeing & Personal Development
    sharing information that helps members upskill emotionally and intellectually

Diversity in Tech Brum have created:

  • Events, Mentorship & Organisations
    mentoring opportunities and organisations that are good examples of diversity
  • Interesting articles & insights
    sharing resources around key topics in diversity

Lonely Conservationists have created:

  • Books and Documentaries — Books and docs that the community host recommends and members can share suggestions too
  • How to Conserve Podcast — Podcasts produced by the community host for people to easily rediscover

We also have browser extensions that help you post content to your spaces as you browse the web:

The key to building a great community is to relate it back to what your members find valuable.

==== A simple question to ask your members ====

On a scale of 1–5 (1 being most important), how important are the following to you?

  1. Quality of information
  2. Information that’s personalised to me
  3. Ease to find information
  4. Speed to find information
  5. Access to your team and staff
  6. Feeling supported by other community members
  7. Feeling a sense of belonging with others

📗 Read: How to Activate your Community — make people feel welcome and safe
Mobilise your members to engage in your community.

If you want any more help on how to setup your community and spaces, here are two videos
(you’ll have to excuse the Lockdown Locks 💇‍♂️)

Starting a community (3 mins)

Create spaces for conversation and events (3mins 30)

We’re building WONDR to support the impact-driven creators of the world. The future educators and the community builders who want to create a positive change for people and planet 🌎🤘

If you’d like to apply to the Creator Network of Communities — visit here.

My team and I are on hand every step of the way:
- Direct Message me
on WONDR here
- Hop on a 15min call in with me



Sam Reader

Passionate about Behaviour, the Meaning of things & Life-Long Learning. Co-Founder of WONDR —