What’s New on WONDR: Product Updates July 2

Bethany Haskins
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2020
Three smartphones displaying WONDR posts, profiles and projects. With text: ‘Discover, connect and collaborate’.

Ready to start using some brand spanking new features? Read on to explore WONDR’s latest updates!

Get chatting with our shiny, new Messenger! 💬

We’ve updated the WONDR messenger to make connecting and chatting with others a whole lot easier. Whether you’re looking for mentors and new opportunities or hoping to collaborate on a project, our new, user-friendly messenger is designed to help you share ideas and keep track of your convos!

Four smartphones displaying the WONDR messenger design, options to view profile, block user and begin a new conversation.
Let’s chat with our shiny new messenger design!

Knowing Your Community! 👫

See who’s viewing your posts and whose posts you’re following by keeping an eye on your following and follower lists. Feeling friendly? You can use these lists to start new conversations and collaborations around your shared interests!

Want to learn more about project collaborators? You can now click through to view profiles from project collaborator lists. Simply click on the user’s name and you’ll be taken to their profile where you can find out more about their interests and check out their other posts and projects.

Fixing those bugs 🐞

  1. Searching for users on the WONDR messenger is now a super fast and easy way to get connected and start conversations within the community! 🔎
  2. Keeping track of new messages made easy — you’ll be notified as new conversations begin 💬
  3. We’ve reduced the delay between posting on WONDR and posts appearing in projects! You can now see them straight away. ✅
  4. Organise your posts easily on the WONDR app. 📁
  5. Categorise your posts freely! You can now use your favourite tags, regardless of how similar they might be to others! #️⃣
  6. Posts were prone to ‘going grey’ or breaking after being opened. We’ve sorted this so you can now open posts with ease! 👏

