What’s new on WONDR: Product Updates July Part 1

Bethany Haskins
Published in
3 min readJul 7, 2020
A collection of smartphone screens that display functions of the WONDR app.

Excited to explore all of our latest features? Read on to discover what’s new on WONDR!

Recommendations just for you! 🙌

Tired of filtering through posts that don’t match your passions? If so, then check out our updated discover function! You can now explore the latest posts from the WONDR community via recommendations that are based on your location, profession, and favourite tags.

A screenshot of the WONDR app that displace a post and an example of a recommended project.
Share your location, profession and favourite tags to receive recommended posts!

What makes you you?

If you’ve joined WONDR in search of inspiration, mentor opportunities, or just to see what’s going on in your line of work, you can now select your location and profession from a drop-down menu. This information can be displayed on your profile and helps to connect you with people who are nearby and/or in your industry of interest!

Let’s sort out those bugs! 🐞

1. In need of a bit of order? You can now move your posts around within your projects and organise them however you like. 📂

2. Read project descriptions even if they haven’t yet been filled with posts.

3. Our app now gives you the ability to add to a project as a collaborator! 👫

4. Wanting to change up the design of your app? Now you can change the colour of the iOS status bar for white app screens. 🎨

5. You’ve got power over your projects! We’ve fixed the accept/reject pop up for when others request to join your project. ✅ ❌

6. We’ve fixed the publish button to prevent our app from creating more than one version of the same project! 🎉

7. Signup from a project page without the signup modal closing.👌

8. No more error messages when posting to a project via the WONDR app! ✅

9. We’ve fixed a little hiccup to ensure that your posts match the descriptions that you’ve given them!

10. Making your photos the right way up! We’re making sure that your cover and profile photos are auto-rotated if your original upload contains rotation data. 🖼️

11. We’ve tidied up your discover page and removed any glitches that were popping up after the first load of posts. 🙌

12. No need to call the grammar police — when typing in any text field, we’ve auto-activated the capital letters on your keyboard! 🚓 ⌨️

13. You can now share to WONDR from your web browser without any pesky error messages. 🌐

14. When inviting people to join your project, use the now close-able drop-down list of potential collaborators. 👏

15. When you delete posts from your project, instead of hanging around, they’ll disappear immediately! 🗑️ 🎉

Want to follow our roadmap? Enjoy updates, community feedback, and future plans through our public Trello Feedback Board.

Feel free to share your feedback and ask any questions with Sam — sam@mywondr.co and Bethany — bethany.haskins@mywondr.co

WONDR supports your interests and ambitions, by connecting you with like-minded people to collaborate and accelerate towards your aspirations.
Join the conversation and let us know your thoughts and perspective on the future of learning.

