The News

Perry K. Wong
Wonks This Way
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2 min readNov 2, 2016

November 2, 2016

It’s Wednesday, the middle day of the week. The World Series continues tonight after the Cubs forced a Game 7 against Cleveland, a city that previously benefitted from a blown 3–1 series lead and may now find itself on the losing end of that situation. In other topical news, only six days remain before Election Day and a recent study found that a majority of Americans were stressed about the event.

Speaking of the election, today we’re launching “Throw Down Week” at Wonks This Way, where we present competing pieces predicting the results of the presidential election and discuss our methods for a three-part series that will conclude after Election Day.

Anyway, thanks for reading and enjoy the day ahead.


The Wonks Team


  • Farai Chideya wraps up FiveThirtyEight’s “The Voters” series by profiling Mexican-American voters, noting how their political views differ from other Latino groups as well as generational distinctions between first and third-generation Mexican Americans.

Business and Economy

Public Policy and Health



  • The Washington Post TV critic Hank Stuever reflects on the state of late-night talk shows, arguing that hosts often produce the same jokes about the presidential election and for new voices to stymie the predictable echo chamber approach to programming.

