Are We Missing Messages from the Future?

How We Fail to Understand Subtle Cues From Beyond

Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Woo Woo


Photo by Jen Sonstein Maidenberg

I am, and arguably have always been, obsessed with the concept of time travel.

Like most of my generation, I previously believed time travel would require some sort of vehicle a la Back to the Future, or a highly sophisticated method of teleportation a la Quantum Leap. I suppose I also believed we could possibly travel through time or space with the support of a magic spell, magical creature, or via a portal opened up by aliens with technology more advanced than ours.

In short, I believed time travel possible, but I didn’t have much confidence we would be able to actually engage in it meaningfully, in my lifetime.

It’s only in recent years that I’ve come to understand, as a result of abandoning all that I’ve ever known or understood about the perception of time, that travel across time may be much simpler than I thought, and easier for the average human being to achieve.

Time, though experienced by most humans as linear and one-directional, with our past experiences behind us and our future experiences ahead, is not absolute. Nor are our scientific conclusions about time fixed or determined.



Jen Sonstein Maidenberg
Woo Woo

Dreamwork practitioner, researcher, writer. Healthfully obsessed with dreams, time, & memory. To learn about one-on-one dreamwork, visit